Sep 07, 2009 16:12
So working at 9 in the morning? Yeah, that sucked. But I expected that. And after I got off, I went to the thrift store (which I already posted about BUT THIS IS A RECAP SO NYAH~).
I went home for about 45 minutes to change clothes and head to yon big ol mall, Concord Mills. Carriers didn't start until 7:05, and I got to the mall at like... 5:something. So I milled around the mall for a while until I wound up in the little arcade beside FYE. NGL, that arcade kinda sucks. But they have the crane machine that has the Avatar plushies in it, so I decided to take my chances and add to my collection. In my first three tries, I successfully snagged a Zuko. Then I went for Aang. He managed to escape the claw a few times, but I GOT HIM. And, in my excitement, I exclaimed, "FINALLY! I've captured the Avatar!" and told my new Zuko to "take that!". Unfortunately, the two or three Kataras and the two Appas were buried beneath the many, many Aangs and Zukos (and a few Momos), so I decided to play some games that gave out tickets in an attempt to win enough tickets to buy a Katara. I only managed to do this thanks to the Let's Make a Deal game. (I WON 200 TICKETS BECAUSE I TOOK THE DEAL. I SHOULDA KEPT MY CASE, IT WAS WORTH 400!) I might go back later and try to win Appa so my collection will be complete (no Sokka for some reason. I can understand the lack of Toph since these are Book 1 plushies, but why no Sokka?).
ANYWHOOSE, by the time I won my plushies, it was almost time for Carriers to start. So I ran them out to my car before going to see the movie. I entered the theater and it was empty. I was literally the only person in there and was excited about that. But at 7:05, a lady entered and sat a few seats down from me. XD She laughed at the same stuff I did, so I'm declaring her kinda-sorta-really awesome.
For those of you who can't see Carriers yet due to it's limited release... You aren't missing much. It's a decent movie, but it's definitely not the best I've ever seen. But I've decided that CPine is good at getting his ass kicked AND firing imaginary weapons. And in this movie, he's a gigantic dickhead. A loveable dickhead, but a dickhead nonetheless. I'm not going to give away any spoilers for it though, unless you ask reeeeeeeal nicely. :)
After Carriers let out, I had a good two hours to kill before Star Trek. So I went over to Dave and Busters (a giant arcade/sports bar/restuarant/PLACE OF AWESOMENESS AND FUN) and played a bunch of games. Everytime I won the Jackpot amount of tickets on a game, I did a little dance.
While I was playing the Let's Make a Deal game they had in there (their's gave out less tickets, WTF?!), this guy and his family comes up and start talking while they wait for me to finish. The guy recognized me as "that girl who works at Bi-Lo". When I finished he asked, "I'm right, aren't I? You work at Bi-Lo?" I told him yeah and stalked off. He recognized me. In an oddly lit room. In my civvies. I think I've been working at Bi-Lo for too long.
I cashed in all my tickets at 10:00 so I could get some prizes before going to the movie. I won almost 2,000 tickets (I think the exact number was 1,963 or something like that.). I got a decent sized dragon plushie (18.5", according to the tag) for 1,000 tickets and a drink coaster that flashes colored lights for 700. I still have 200-and-some-odd-number tickets on my power card. (and on my way out, I discovered some tickets in my pocket... I DON'T KNOW HOW THOSE GOT THERE, I SWEAR.)
I got back to the theater with a little bit to spare, so I went to the bathroom and took a picture of myself with theIMAX glasses on, doing the Vulcan salute. I'll have to upload that later. In the theater, there weren't too many people (15, max) so I sat in the fifth row, dead in the center. A family of three sat a few seats away from me, but I don't think they heard my jokes and general comments over the sound of how awesome the movie was (that and you couldn't even hear yourself THINK over how loud the sound was). It was pretty damn awesome, but the glasses they gave didn't really help any (THE GOGGLES, THEY DID NOTHING!), so I wound up watching the movie without them on. ._.
-The shuttlecraft McCoy and Kirk take to get onto the Enterprise is named 'Gillian'. I wonder if that was an intentional reference to Star Trek IV (THE ONE WITH THE WHAAAAALES). HMMMMMMM...
-Scotty not only has a tribble on his desk on Delta Vega... HE HAS TWO. (I'm beginning to wonder if they multiplied? Because I only saw one at first, then by the end of the scene, there are two...)
Aand the drive home... Ugh. I was so friggin exhausted that I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep behind the wheel. @_@
lol i'm a nerd,
star trek,
real life