Awesome-sauce. We're gonna spend so much time in front of the TV....
So I was doing this thing on FB where I had to pick five things that remind me of my best friend. They were (in order, sadly) fish, Kirk and Spock being total gay lovers, Organization XIII, Patrick Wilson, and Ludo. I'm not sure what the fact that fish was number one says about us.
I need a FISH! icon...banditjoeykubaJuly 28 2009, 17:39:23 UTC
I'm still not entirely sure if I'll be able to though; a lot of people are taking vacation in these next couple weeks. But I'm going to try. Meanwhile: Kirk/Mountain... XD.
WHY CAN'T I HEAR ANY FISH?! D:< But lol. I'm amused by your list. It's kinda sad that fish is like... our longest lasting inside joke.
Re: I need a FISH! icon...banditjoeykubaJuly 28 2009, 17:55:05 UTC
I think I might be able to swing it. Maybe. But I'd have to leave on Sunday, because my classes start on the 17th... Unless I can luck up and not have to take any classes on Mondays. XD AND IF I CAN MAKE IT, YOU CAN TOTALLY SNAG WATCHMEN FROM ME BECAUSE IT CAME WITH A DIGITAL COPY. <3
Re: I need a FISH! icon...banditjoeykubaJuly 28 2009, 18:20:11 UTC
Mmmmmm, Captain Fine... XD But :P. Lucky. But that probably means I'll be out for winter break before you. Or something. <3 I figured you wouldn't say no to FREE MOVIE. XD
O rly? I wish I knew what the context was, because that's awesome. XD
So I was doing this thing on FB where I had to pick five things that remind me of my best friend. They were (in order, sadly) fish, Kirk and Spock being total gay lovers, Organization XIII, Patrick Wilson, and Ludo. I'm not sure what the fact that fish was number one says about us.
WHY CAN'T I HEAR ANY FISH?! D:< But lol. I'm amused by your list. It's kinda sad that fish is like... our longest lasting inside joke.
Yup, that and seven. *snickers* Seven.
Heh heh, seven.
The boy even brought up seven the other day. I don't remember the context, but it was brought up.
O rly? I wish I knew what the context was, because that's awesome. XD
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