Title: Protect You, Hold You (Part 2)
Rating: PG-13, for language
Characters: Jeong Jeong, Piandao
Pairing: Implied Jeong Jeong/Piandao later on
Word Count: 861
Summary: In their travels, Jeong Jeong and Piandao have had their share of close calls...
Author's Note: I honestly wrote this part based on today's prompt 'poison'. I hadn't actually
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Ickle Song is adorable. I like her mother, too, and everything that's implied with "go easy on him".
Jeong Jeong is so very grumpy. *scritches him*
Is this fic going to be about this one incident, or do you plan to cover more? /curious
Ickle Song is adorable in my head. She acts way too old for her age, but it only adds to the d'awwwwwww.
As for the question... Heh. Two incidents are all I have planned. This one and one set post-finale. The post-finale incident actually inspired this incident... But I'll say no more. ;D
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