Feb 04, 2010 23:53

I seriously don't understand some people. In the comments to this video (my "L Can Hear the Bells" AMV) some chick left this comment:

okay i would just like to say this to clear your sick minded people L IS NOT GAY!!!! HE IS DAMN RIGHT HOT AND HE IS NOT GAY!!!!!!

Okay. Whatevs. I respond:

...Umm... Can't take a joke much? Besides, who really cares what his sexuality is because HE'S A CARTOON CHARACTER.

:) Have a lovely day.

Seriously. It's a joke video. That much should be obvious when L starts singing a song from Hairspray.

The respond:

actually yes i can take a joke just not sick minded things that arent true and for your information i and all the other L lovers care about his sexuality because unlike you we know the facts so why dont you just go fuck yourself if you have some sick minded idea of L then dont bother making a video keep it to your self

thank i will have a lovely day and i hope you have a good day as well :]

At this point I'm somewhere between laughing my ass off and being irritated at some (I'm assuming) 16-year-old-girl telling me to go fuck myself because I'm "sick minded". It's kinda like when I occasionally watch Fox News.

So I responded:

Honestly, if L were real, the truth is he wouldn't care about you or other L lovers because he is most likely asexual.

And, honestly, I make videos for the fun of it that other people also enjoy and you expect me to stop making videos because you don't appreciate my opinions or sense of humor? Ha! Tell another one because you are HILARIOUS! If you don't like them, then here's a simple solution: Don't watch them.

My day is always better when people leave hilarious comments on my videos. :)

Seriously, if anything, L is asexual.

She responds:

if L were real he would appreciate the love we have for him.

Well thats fine if you want to be some idiotic, jack ass L hater but maybe try putting somewhere that you aren't trying to accuse him of being gay so L lovers like me wont get offended.

well i'm happy that Ive made you laugh today

At this point, I really want to tell her that L wouldn't give a shit about someone who can't use punctuation of any kind, but cut it out when I went over in my character limit in this response:

I doubt that as he doesn't really seem to care for people at all.

Haha! That's funny! I'm an "L lover" as well, but I'm not the one making an ass out of myself by accusing people of being "sick minded" because they have a different belief system and sense of humor. "L lovers" comes in all shapes and sizes, my dear, so get your head out of your ass and face reality. And, honestly, I don't care if you were offended by this video. I just don't like being called "sick minded". Bigots piss me off.

Aaaaand I finally got to see her response:

Really, so you think your honestly an L lover because from here it sounds like your a hater since you seem to enjoy accusing him of something he isn't , and for your information you cant be a L "lover" if you enjoy making fun of him that my friend is called an L HATER...get it right. and well suck it up if you dont like being called sickminded cause thats what you are. oh so now i piss you off cuz i can almost swear earlier you said i made you laugh :]

UM. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN- There's SOOOOOOOO much wrong in that statement that I don't even know where to begin. You can love something and still make fun of it. So, opinions, f-list that read through this. What should I respond with? 'Cause if I type what I want to type... well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.

EDIT: Fucking moron is a Twilight fan. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! :|

are you shitting me?, lol fandumb, youtube, what is this i don't even, lolwut

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