I decided to make this of average difficulty, with one easy keyword, one random keyword and one SUUUUPER random key word.
Taken from
fifiwoofwoof Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies. Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks. Have your friends guess the movie titles.
1. Famous score, buddhist, fish out of water (srsly, even *I* don't know where buddhist came from *eyebrow)
2. Object falling from sky, rabbit, psychotherapy
3. Soap, blood, spoiler in keywords
4. Christmas tree, microscope, ornament
5. Alliance, stabbed in the throat, peril
6. British Empire, dice game, cliffhanger
7. Chocolate, imaginary friend, arson
8. Sword, good versus evil, princess
9. Concert, spy, broadway
10. Death of protagonist, elopement, death
There we go~ There were quite a few I wanted to put in but *shrug*, ya on'y gets 10 yo!
Answers will come with my next post, so go on, give it a try! I you get stuck, you could even make up your own answers! 8D