The LJ "Brain" Trust Screws Us Again

Dec 20, 2011 23:13

Well. How do you like the monstrosity of a comment page that the arrogant bastards at LJ have foisted on us? Use S2 styles or lose the ability to use a Subject Line. And even with S2, you have to find the hidden options to get back the Subject Line. The rest of us no longer have the ability to use Subject Lines.

They've also screwed up the fonts. Again. And they still haven't fixed the ability of LJArchive to download comments.

They've done this despite a huge amount of protest. They've demonstrated that they do not listen to their user base.

Arrogant assholes.

Here's the release announcement. As I write this, the number of comments is about to hit 1000 1500 1600 1900 2500 5355 6042 7936 9353 ...

This is supposedly the website of our Russian designer masters. Putin has apparently taken time off from wrestling giant bears and scuba diving to single handedly raise old warships to redesign our comment pages to almost total uselessness.

This pretty much summarizes their attitude.
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