Dec 08, 2009 23:47
does wintertime have an effect on your mood?
it sucks.
when was the last time you felt extremely depressed?
a couple of nights ago.
how vivid are your dreams?
if i think about them right when i wake up and make myself remember, very vivid.
or sometimes theyre just some vague idea or setting and everything is just sort of floating around and its all trippy.
have you ever been unable to recall someone's name?
yeah i hate that. really embarrassing.
do you pick out your clothing the night before?
depends how motivated i am to look okay.
how many times a week do you need to do laundry?
like a million.
aka 5
how organized would you say that you keep your closet?
really organized.
if organized means random clothes, bags, and food thrown on the ground.
how many meals a week do you eat with your family?
are you proud of the person that you are becoming?
do you know anyone that thinks s/he knows everything?
yeah. love those people.
how do you deal with someone that challenges your belief-system?
i can be obnoxiously stubborn so usually tongue vs. tongue combat.
do you ever try to talk to others about your personal beliefs?
sometimes. if i think it is in his or her interest.
what do you look for in a potential partner?
none of the people ive ever been interested have a thing in common, so im not really sure what to say.
how many surveys do you fill out a day, would you say?
usually none.
who says >1 aha.
how skilled are you are poem-writing?
not skilled.
do you get nightmares from horror films?
i think i used to. i like them now though.
what was the last potluck dinner that you attended?
thanksgiving party!
why are all my friends so into potlucks.
do you know anyone who is obsessed with grammatical correctness?
of course. so annoying.
how is your spelling?
its okay.
if i dont know how to spell something i look up.
what is one vegetable that you find disgusting?
i like alllll vegetables :]
when was the last time that you went out to eat?
i think.. hunan manor with jessica.
do you know anyone that works as a waitress?
not personally.
how do you earn your money?
playing gigs.
when was the last time you received an allowance?
do you drive yet?
if so, what kind of car do you drive?
i dont have a car yet.
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
really a million. really.
how much time do you spend dwelling on past mistakes?
i dont really time it.
i dont have a stopwatch that i start and stop during my time of dwelling on mistakes.
what would you consider to be the biggest mistake of your life?
so many good ones to choose from.
would you shave your head to support a friend with cancer?
how many words per minute do you think you are capable of typing?
70? 80?
do you have a favorite word? do you use this word in everyday conversation?
i like the word colloquial.
how expansive is your vocabulary?
its okay.
how trusting would you say that you are of other people?
have you ever had anyone abuse your trust?
who was the last person to break your heart?
it actually wasnt a romantic thing
just disappointment.
have you ever tried to get revenge on someone that did you wrong?
not really. i think revenge is stupid.
what is something that you consider to be petty?
disagreements. dumb relationships.
who was the last friend to exit your life?
i do not think losing a friend is that tangible.
do you ever feel like you've lost control of your emotions?
who was the last person that you spoke with?
probably my mom. i dont remember.
who makes you laugh the hardest?
omar khalid
if you could have anyone as your roommate, who would it be?
what city do you most desire to live in?
what would you consider to be the biggest mistake of your life?
this was already asked
not doing my homework.