Jun 24, 2005 03:11
I'm a total sucker for love.
I don't know if any of u saw eternal sunshine of the spotless mind but I loved it. At the end of the movie I cryed. The first hour and a half of the movie I was like this movie is wack. Total nuts. But the last half an hour explains everything. I got to kill it for those of you who have'nt seen it.
It's about this crazy girl who can't deal with anything staying the same. She's one of those people who needs change every 5 minutes. And she meets this guy (Jim Carrey) who is boring as hell and never does anything. He's one of those guys who has a routine and follows it day in and day out. So it starts with him sparadically skiping his train to work and going somewhere else (I don't remember the name) and he meets this girl. (same two from above) and its a shakey start but they end up talking and he drives her home. And bla bla bla their relationship begins. Then they get in this big fight where he accuses her of sleeping around cause she keeps coming home late (like 3am) so she leaves him. And he's all upset because he wants to get back togeather with her. So he goes by barnes and noble (where she works) and she asks him if he needs any help. Meanwhile shes behind the help desk with a guy and they kiss. So he's all destraught and tells his sister how she acted like she didn't even know him. So the sisters husband says he has a right to know and shows him a an envelope and inside is a paper that says that clementine (the crazy girl) has had joel (jim carrey) erased from her memory. So Joel goes and sees the doctor who erased clemntine's memory and thinks its a joke. Joel is overcome with misery and decides to erase her from his memory too.
So while hes having the procidure done he realizes he still loves her and doesnt want to give up all of his happy memories with her. So inside his head he tries to run and hide his happy memories (its complicated u'd have to see the movie). So anyway the docter ends up finding all of his memories and erases them except that the last memory he erased was when they met and its not the same as the begining of the movie. So u realize that the begining was them meeting after they had got each other erased. But then someone sent them the tapes of what they told the docter about the person they wanted erased. (im not going to get into who the person who sent the tape because i got to leave something for u to find out) she got her tape first and put it on in the car and it was nasty stuff. So he thought it was some sick joke by her and kicked her out of the car. then she went to his house later and found that he had got a tape and was listening to it. He was saying that the way she got people to like her was by sleeping with them. So she got mad and stormed out of his house. Meanwhile the whole time I'm like plz let them end up togeather plz. I was crying when she walked out. And then he chased after her. And finally they made immense. I was like thank god. So they decided that regardless of how it would end up that it was worth it to try. I cryed after the movie.
I recomend that everyone see this movie. The end makes the whole thing worth it. But, then again I'm a sucker for love. It really was a tragic story of two hearts destined to end up togeather and the long twisted path that had to be traveled to find each other.
Angel we have to see it togeather. Maybe buy it.