Oct 21, 2006 14:59
so to anyone who read the entry before I deleted it, everything got worked out... soo yeahhh.
anyways! I'm at Kellys right now. and I have my band festival tonight. should be fun.. *key word* should.
hopefully it will. so theres been a lot of my mind latly. and I dont know how to deal with it. like I wanna be able to tell me best friend whats going through my head and how I feel about certain things that are going on in life. and she knows things are totally on my mind. because she made the statement. Kaseys in deep though. and whoa I was. like. blah. I dont know any more. I used to be so sure of myself... but like. I keep thinking about what my mom said to me the other day about Mike. and Its killing me because I didnt really get what she ment by it or what. but I though about it last night. and whoa.shes totally right. I spend all my time with mike and see what she means by I'm going to be loosing friends if I keep it up. yea so. It happens. and it sucks. but I brought it on my self.
Okay on a happy note
I lost weight! I now only was 114! woot. that makes me happy. Band is going pretty well. but practices are hott and so there really hard to get through. but I make it somehow! woot. and I passed my honors class. YAY ME! hehe Today is my moms birthday!!!! Were going to Dennys tonight and celebrating My mom and Kellys moms bday today! Kellys moms bday is on Tuesday. anyways I'm gonna get going!! <333
This is my life Its not what it was before....