Summertime, and the Living is....

Jul 10, 2007 10:32

Well, almost three weeks into the summer, and life aint so bad. Work has kinda sucked because I've just had so many hours, but actually lately I've kinda been given a bit of leeway, so that seems to be looking up. And I've also started getting to know some of my co-workers, and they all seem to be very much like people I know from highschool, but slightly twisted. So, considering how little I've seen my friends, and taking into account how I haven't had much free time other than working eating and sleeping, I'd say that summer isn't going that bad.

On a completely different note, I've decided to try to catch up on some reading this summer. There were a lot of books that I tried to takle but couldn't understand/get into at the beginning of last year, and I'm trying them again. I'm also tackling the big one: As Matt and Bill probably remember, and as I may have told some of you, while helping with Matt's eagle project book drive we came across a copy of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. I immediately snatched that "puppy" up and took it home, and its been sitting on my dresser, glaring up at me ever since. And I've been afraid to open it too. Aaanywho, ya I'm gonna start that one too.

Lastly I just wanted to mention how excited I am for orientation tomorrow! Did I mention I'm supposed to be packing right now? Haha I so can't wait at all!!! This is like the beginning of that new chapter of life for me. I'm on the last page of the HighSchool chapter still, but soon, I will turn the page to college!!
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