Tugging on my heart strings...

Jul 05, 2007 12:55

I feel like God has really been pushing me lately.  I find I'm suddenly faced with new spiritual challanges.  God's asking me to do things I've never done before.  Some things that I thought I'd never do.  Things like fasting...writing my testimony...and being a leader within a church ministry.  It's all so exciting, and yet so frightening.  I'm amazed at what God is doing in me.  At times I feel like he's pushing me to do things I can't do.  Yet, in my heart I know that He won't give me more than I can handle.  So today I'm just thanking Him for all the good things he's brought into my life.  Also thanking him for the challenges themselves.  Because I know those challenges will bring about positive change.  I'm looking forward to that positive change.  It's a comforting thought, that when I make it to the other side of the rough stuff, I'll be closer to God.  My faith will be stronger after I make it through.  That thought keeps me going every day.

I've also been thinking...about this blog...this journal.  I read Jason's blog, "The Bible Blogger Bible Blog".  It amazes me the things he writes about God, and the word, and life.  I think...why can't I do that?  I've been thinking about how my blog as of now, is focused on me.  ME ME ME!!  I think it would be so cool if I could focus my blog more on God, and the things he's doing in my life, and in my church.  Maybe then, all the friends who read my blog would be encouraged.  I would like that.  I might just try it out, and see what happens.  :)

Love and blessings to all!

journaling, change, god, blogging

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