Apr 27, 2004 19:14
geez you can tell mom is back to normal. she is such a bitch! the pastor walks in the house cuz he wants to check on mom... its a nice gesture. but as soon as he walks in, automatically our home is not good enough for the pastor to see. so after she gets done being nice to him, he leaves, and she gets pissed off at me cuz apparently our house is crap and its all my fault. i have been doing EVERYTHING for her since she has been sick!!!!! ive cleaned everything, waited on her hand and foot, every time she spoke i was there to listen and do everything for her, everything i did revolved around her! i drove her to the freakin emergency room! i stayed there with her all day long! i took care of her while dad was being a bitch and decided not to help and while rachel didnt give a shit and left her all evening when she was suppose to be there! but now that the pastor is gone, its my fault that the house is shit, its my fault our house is "unfit for people to live in", hes just a man!!!!!! hes not Jesus himself! and even if he were Jesus, or Jesus came to our home, he wouldnt be like "ok the Bond family shall now go to Hell cuz the house is not as clean as id like it to be." he came to check up on mom, not to inspect the house on how nice it is. so yeah now i have to go wash dishes, pick up everything in the house, and pick up after her sick and bronchitus filled mess. its nice to have the real mom back (HUGE ASS SARCASM!!!!!!!!!!!!). i dont know what to do nemore...