sick, lame

Jan 29, 2009 04:05

So it's tax/flu season. I'm just waiting on my CheckFree W2 and I'm good to file. I think I'm gonna end up owing because after last year I claimed 10%, but it was only for five months. Then after that I didn't have a legit job so we'll see, I hate taxes. On another note I got my booklet for the postal service so I need to study my ass off, pass the exam, and get a post office job which could turn into a career. I still want to go back to school because I do what some type of career, but we'll see what happens with the exam.

So my PMS has been up the charts ridiculous. I've been in a sassy as fuck mood and my annoyance level is sensitive. Tuesday night at PV I wanted to punch Jeremy and Matty in the face. Yes I love him with all my heart, but I was not in the mood for his drunken ass. The good thing is I'm getting better with opening up to him and all our serious talks help me open up even more. It did made me smile when he asked about our four month :]

Anyway next month is a busy one. Four month, Valentine's Day, Matty's b-day, and Audi's b-day. I feel bad because I want to buy Matty something for his birthday, but with my first paycheck it has to go towards bills because I am uber behind :/ Maybe I'll just make him something again. Idk I'll figure it out and then for Valentine's Day I have to work. For our four month and his birthday I don't have too, but he has school. The main thing is I'm with him and am really, really happy. I hope I can celebrate his birthday with him. Then Sunday is the Super Bowl, stoked! I think Matty and me are gonna be at his sister's watching the game. I had a feeling that once February came around like usual things would start getting back to normal *knock on wood.

Unrelated topic, but lately I've been craving fatty ass pickles, Korean, and Cheba Hut. Oregano's sounds amazing as well, fucking PMS!!

Late kids
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