Mar 08, 2009 07:44
I...have an apartment for living in starting May 1.
I...have a job (at least one that will support me until I hopefully find something to let me save a little money on top of supporting me) having an extraordinary last semester at school. ready to graduate.
Sometimes I feel like I really have nothing to post here. Maybe it's because I used to use this journal for ranting about whatever sucked in my life. And nothing really sucks right now. I mean sure, occasionally things are off-putting. But nothing too horrible. I've got an apartment that is set to go for when I graduate - Dan and I can move in starting May 1. My internship is great; regardless of if they offer me a job I will be set for money since I have other jobs that will sustain me. I think right now the only thing I have to worry about is taxes...stupid taxes. Otherwise, things are pretty bangin', and there's not a whole lot going on. Internship, work, boy, Phi Sig, puppy is busy. But I like it. :) Since I'll be around, I'm thinking about running for alumni advisor for Phi Sig. I was only involved for 3 semesters, so it'd be nice to be able to stick around and be actively involved for a while longer.
But yeah. It's fairly early. And I've got stuff to do. So I'm out. Peace.