Title: Shopping Adventures
bandgeek01Rating: G or PG if you believe beer is bad
Summary: Deeks and Callen have a bonding moment
Characters: G. Callen, Marty Deeks, mentions of Kensi Blye, Talia Del Campo
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in CBS’s sandbox. They own the characters and stuff.
Based on Prompts: from
http://runaway_tales.livejournal.com/profile Vanilla 1: Shopping
Deeks and Callen were standing by the fountain at The Grove.
“Can you believe our ladybirds convinced us to go shopping?” asked Deeks.
“Nope. I think I’m more ashamed that we fell for it.” said Callen.
“Those two together we’ll be here for hours.” nodded Deeks.
“Why don’t we grab a beer at the BBQ place?” said Callen.
“Woah?" exclaimed Deeks.
"What?" said Callen, giving his infamous look.
"Wait just a minute, so now you definitely want to hang out with me?” retorted Deeks.
“I told you before my schedule was busy.” said Callen. He starts to walk in the direction of the restaurant. “You coming or not?”
Deeks grinned, “Right behind you.” He sent a text to Kensi letting her and Talia know that the boys were bonding over drinks and they could take their good old time shopping.