This is for Day 3 of the
horizonssing prompts.
Title: What’s in a tea cup
bandgeek01Genre: Fluff
Rating: G, PG if you call some kissing unsuitable
Summary: Ianto is trying to make Jack Realize the importance of the cup
Spoilers: Nada, nil, none unless you had no idea of J/I
Word Count: 318
Author’s Notes: Unbeta’d, new to writing fan fiction. I already know it’s awful.
Disclaimer: Russell T. Davies is the almighty one who created the characters. The BBC owns them. I am merely playing with them for my own procrastination purposes. I intend to return them in near perfect condition. I am by no means making any money off of this.
tea•cup / [tee-kuhp]
1. a cup in which tea is served, usually of small or moderate size.
2. a teacupful.
3. tempest in a teacup or teapot, a disturbance or uproar about little or nothing.
“Jack, get down here this instant,” bellowed Ianto from the kitchen.
“What did I do?” Jack asked as he came trotting from his office.
“Look at this.”
“What?” Jack said innocently, while trying not to snicker at the young Welshman who is getting all flustered over a tea cup.
“This cup is to be used for certain occasions,” said Ianto sternly. “It’s not to be used by anyone other than me unless I give it to you.”
“Ianto, it’s just a tea cup. You don’t have to get all uptight. Really maybe sometimes you should loosen that tie of yours. I think it might be affecting your brain.” By this point, Jack was grinning wildly, and Ianto has yet to see the humor in all of this.
“You ruined a perfectly good tea cup with that shot of whiskey.”
“Hey, I could have downed that bottle, but I didn’t and I used the tea cup. So sue me. Maybe next time, I’ll just use your coffee mug.”
Ianto was blushing furiously. “Now is not the time to be mocking me.”
“Ianto.” Jack said semi sternly. “Come here. I didn’t mean to offend you and your tea cup.” Jack took the tea cup from his hand and went over to the kitchen sink and turned on the warm water. Jack filled the sponge with soap and water and started to laboriously scrub the cup. Ianto just looked at the older man trying so hard to clean the little tea cup he couldn’t help but grin. Suddenly Ianto’s anger left him in a heartbeat. He walked up behind Jack and stuck his hands in the sink and helped Jack clean off the cup. “I think you missed a spot.” He said with a twinkle in his eye. “Yep, a spot right here.” And with that he leaned in and gave Jack one of the most sweetest kisses he’d ever experienced.