You know what is most collosally stupid about this? I mean, aside from all the completely self-evident collosal stupidity.
It is possible to miscarry without ever having known you were pregnant.
It happens all the time. Women skip a period, go, hey, maybe I'm pregnant. Then they get their next period as scheduled, maybe a little heavier, and go, ok, maybe not. I remember reading (wish I knew where) that as many as half of all conceptions are spontaneously aborted, i.e., miscarried, often due to genetic abnormalities, and often before a woman even knows conception has occurred.
In this day and age with all the OTC pregnancy tests, it's not as common, but it's not rare, either. I mean, what about those crazy women who make it to labor without having known they were pregnant? Ok, so they're super-rare. But one skipped period and then getting it again, are women supposed to call the sheriff's office?
I think they should. I think there should be a mass protest in the form of women calling the police to report they've gotten their periods. "Sheriff Gringly? Hey, it's Shelly Martinson... Yeah, again.... Listen, I skipped a period last month, and I got it again, so I thought you'd like to know... Yes, I know I'm not terribly regular... But Sheriff, I don't want to go to jail! ...Yeah... Yeah ... Listen, buddy, it wasn't my idea. Take it up with Delegate Cosgrove ... Yes. ...Ok. ... Yeah, I'll talk to you soon. ... Bye."
And the DailyKos entry covers all this. I was just overwhelmed with crankiness and responded right off. *sigh*
Makes me want to get one of those "Keep your laws off my body" t-shirts. And a pitchfork, for poking the bums of the ignorant menfolk when they try to legislate their ignorance of and disdain for the female anatomy into law.
I still think the mass-reporting of miscarriages should be a form of civil protest if this bill becomes law. (Which I seriously doubt.)
Better yet, perhaps I should call in every month and report my not-pregnantness -- so they don't have to come to my house and stand watch over my uterus.
Really, though, as the article says, it's just another attempt at creating a precedent for the personhood of a fetus.
Unfortunately, my power is limited here, as I don't live in Virginia ...
Really, though, as the article says, it's just another attempt at creating a precedent for the personhood of a fetus.
Yeah. But the really sick part is that they're trying to do this on the backs of women who have just, at the least, suffered a minor medical trauma, and most likely emotional upheaval and loss. I can't see how this can make the lawmakers look anything other than sadistic, unsympathetic, and uninformed. The public's image of a woman who's miscarried isn't a woman who wanted it to happen... it's a woman who desperately wants a child and thought she was going to have one. This bill makes the state cruel. Even among pro-lifers, can that really be what they want? I mean image-wise.
On the bright side, this has the potential to result in some really grossly hilarious forms of protest.
I can only hope that the people of Virginia will be as perceptive as you are, and that they'll blow this bill out of the water ... the real danger is in them not knowing about it. I'm not sure what more I can do to spread the word, though ... I don't know very many Virginians.
You know what is most collosally stupid about this? I mean, aside from all the completely self-evident collosal stupidity.
It is possible to miscarry without ever having known you were pregnant.
It happens all the time. Women skip a period, go, hey, maybe I'm pregnant. Then they get their next period as scheduled, maybe a little heavier, and go, ok, maybe not. I remember reading (wish I knew where) that as many as half of all conceptions are spontaneously aborted, i.e., miscarried, often due to genetic abnormalities, and often before a woman even knows conception has occurred.
In this day and age with all the OTC pregnancy tests, it's not as common, but it's not rare, either. I mean, what about those crazy women who make it to labor without having known they were pregnant? Ok, so they're super-rare. But one skipped period and then getting it again, are women supposed to call the sheriff's office?
I think they should. I think there should be a mass protest in the form of women calling the police to report they've gotten their periods. "Sheriff Gringly? Hey, it's Shelly Martinson... Yeah, again.... Listen, I skipped a period last month, and I got it again, so I thought you'd like to know... Yes, I know I'm not terribly regular... But Sheriff, I don't want to go to jail! ...Yeah... Yeah ... Listen, buddy, it wasn't my idea. Take it up with Delegate Cosgrove ... Yes. ...Ok. ... Yeah, I'll talk to you soon. ... Bye."
Makes me want to get one of those "Keep your laws off my body" t-shirts. And a pitchfork, for poking the bums of the ignorant menfolk when they try to legislate their ignorance of and disdain for the female anatomy into law.
I still think the mass-reporting of miscarriages should be a form of civil protest if this bill becomes law. (Which I seriously doubt.)
Really, though, as the article says, it's just another attempt at creating a precedent for the personhood of a fetus.
Unfortunately, my power is limited here, as I don't live in Virginia ...
Yeah. But the really sick part is that they're trying to do this on the backs of women who have just, at the least, suffered a minor medical trauma, and most likely emotional upheaval and loss. I can't see how this can make the lawmakers look anything other than sadistic, unsympathetic, and uninformed. The public's image of a woman who's miscarried isn't a woman who wanted it to happen... it's a woman who desperately wants a child and thought she was going to have one. This bill makes the state cruel. Even among pro-lifers, can that really be what they want? I mean image-wise.
On the bright side, this has the potential to result in some really grossly hilarious forms of protest.
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