Title: Two of Us
tommyboybbiFandom: the Beatles (the group)
Rating: general audiences
Genre: gen
Summary: we're a team
Disclaimer: I don't own them, gain any money. Just the use of my mind beyond the work and family around me. I play with them and put them back on the shelf.
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We are so alike
You and I.
Scary is in it?
We are not alike in appearance, but in thought. I am the ying and you're the yang.
And try as you might, you argue that we are not, yet look at us? We are a team.
We are the words that make this group work. We are the ones that write the songs that we record and set the world on fire. I predict we will go down in history.
We're a team, you and I. Nothing will split us up. I won't let it. And that's a promise.
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Who's speaking?