Title: Hello
Author: Trefenwyd
Fandom/Characters: John Lennon/George Harrison
Rating: PG
Genre: Slash
Summary: A recording session gone wrong. George's POV.
Disclaimer: I don't claim to own those guys. I wish I did.
The time melted away hour by hour, until there was nothing but soreness and bruised egos. It seemed to last forever. Every song became the next.
Not once did he look up, share his solitude with the only person that needed him so badly. He sang the songs he'd written, and nursed a lukewarm cup of tea.
But not even once did John spare him the pain of loneliness.
There was a movement; a dark figure crept forward to replace the cup John had abandoned on the floor.
John sipped the fresh tea gratefully, his dark eyes wandering upward.