Mar 22, 2005 16:07
I went to see Julia play the lead in "Kiss Me Kate" on Friday. The entire show, I sat next to a lone woman. During intermission, a man came over and they started to talk over me, in Russian. After a few minutes of my sitting in the middle of their discussion, in a Russian accent, she said, "I'm sorry... do you speak Russian?"
* "Yeah, I do."
"Haha, I thought you looked like you were following the conversation. I'm Julia's mother."
I smiled and put out my hand. "I'm Gary, Lena's cousin."
"Oh! Hi!"
The two of us have heard about each other for over a year now, but we'd never actually met. In one of god's more creative little jokes, we both came for the same person, sat right next to each other the entire 1st Act, and didn't even know it. And I swear, Julia looked exactly like Keira Knightley the entire show.
The very next night, I saw "Oklahoma" at Lena's school. My only prior experience with the musical was a sketch on Sesame Street from years back where Grover was directing, and some muppet kept singing "Ooooooooklahoma blah blahbity blah" while dancing like an idiot. He messed up the line every time, causing poor Grover endless frustration. Needless to say, the West Essex production was noticeably better.
* All dialogue from this point on was in Russian.