Friends In Odd Places

Aug 31, 2010 15:51

In a fit of insanity, I decided take a look at my LiveJournal friends list. Always a bad idea, I know. But removing folks that I've lost contact with and/or haven't posted in ages cleaned up things a bit.

Most of the people that are LJ Friends with me I can place. There's my amazing local friends, varied and sundry interesting people I've met on the Internet throughout the years, fun and talented folks I've met through Eurofurence, great and generous folks I've met through Midwest Furfest and as a fairly recent category, cool people I've met through Second Life1).

There's a bunch of you I can't entirely place, though. This may be because I have a memory like a sieve2), or because I haven't quite made the connection between you and your LJ username, or because you're actually the friend of a friend, or maybe something else entirely.

So, to check who's actually reading my journal3) I'd like to ask anyone who sees this: What's the last book you read?4) Mine would be the Kitty Norville series. It's great fun.

1) Heya!
2) The main difference being that in a sieve, the holes are spread regularly.
3) And to perhaps expand my reading list a bit in the process..
4) Also, optionally, why on earth do you read my journal? ^^
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