Jun 19, 2006 22:32
List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any comment speculation. Tag five (5) people.
1. You're a first class jerk and I hope you become gay to save girls from getting their hearts broken by you. Other than the fact that half the time I want to slap you, sure we're still friends and you'll probably never know that I still feel like this.
2. If you do anything to f-up what I have at LB next year I swear I will make you wish you'd moved to Russia and changed your name to Sven. I love my life at LB and the person I've become, don't you dare do anything to mess that up.
3. You make me so frustrated and ruin half my days. I try not to let you get to me, but inevidibly you always find some way to push all my buttons so that I want to scream, cry, and punch your face in all at the same time.
4. You drive me nuts! I swear, half the time I'd love to just start yelling at you but I can't. You seem like if I did you'd break half the time and the other half it seems like nothing I say could ever touch you.
Anyways, enough of my rantyness... see next post for happy end of the year shtuffs!