It's 2004!

Jan 01, 2004 20:19

It's been awhile since i've updated so here goes.......

Movie day! Elizabeth picked me up early in the afternoon and we went to go see Cheaper By the Dozen (which i thought was really funny). AFter the movie she dropped me off at home and the next thing i new my mom called and told me to be ready to leave in 10 minutes. We went out to eat at Chili's and then to see Mona Lisa Smile with Elizabeth, her mom, her sister, Ryan's mom, his sister, Kim, her mom, her sister, me, and my mom. It was a really fun girls night out -- it's good to have one of those every so often. After the movie we went to starbucks and sat around and talked (mostly about the movie).

Cleaned, cleaned, and cleaned some more. I had to scrub the kitchen, hallway, and entryway floors -- took me an hour! Oh well, i finished in time to watch Days of Our Lives (which i've watched since i was little so don't laugh at me) and now we know who the serial killer is! =D -- anyways.... Kept cleanin and gettin the house ready till 8 when some people came over to hang out for New Year's Eve. Once everybody got here we ate snacks, watched trevor and cody play a violent baseball video game, played basketball, played DDR, then did poppers out in the front yard around midnight. We also watched a suprise, illegal fireworks show put on by our new neighbors. After midnight we all went back in the house, ate our black-eyed-peas, and sat around talkin for a little while. At some point we decided it was time to go home and Elizabeth had me, michelle, and kim over to spend the night. We sat around her room talkin till around 3:30 when we decided we'd get our beds layed out and watch a movie. Before the first scene was over in the movie i was out.

Elizabeth's mom came in and woke us up around 11:30. We slowly crawled out of bed and ate some donuts. Kim and michelle decided to watch the lizzie mguire movie -- which was horrible by the way.;) We decided we wanted to do something so we got ready and got on im. We couldn't think of much to do so we decided to go hang out at the mall for the afternoon. Ryan decided to go to the mall with us (brave, brave guy).=) While we were there me and elizabeth decided that we need to get our ears pierced! So tomorrow we're planning to go them done together!!!! AHHHH!! -- anyways.... After the mall everybody went home. My family hadn't seen cheaper by the dozen yet so i went to go see it for the second time. Came home, ate leftovers, and am now typing my journal.

So .... there's the summary of the last couples of days.

It needs to be sunny! -- i hate gloomy and rainy days - they're so depressing even if you're not depressed.

Oh well -- Less than a week till i get my license -- I'm sooooooooo sooooooo sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!
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