Following LJ's spectacular fuckup, I'm going to start posting over at Dreamwidth. I'll still crosspost here (once I figure out how that works) and my stories will still be posted to
rois_ficpalooza but I will no longer be paying for any services provided by LJ. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come to this realization before my year came up, but I won't be renewing my icon package or anything else. I'm saddened and frankly appalled that LJ isn't doing anything about the issues that have been happening, and that they can be so callous as to say that everything's 'okay' and that nothing's wrong, even though it KEEPS HAPPENING.
For more info on what's going on on this site, I'll direct you to
DW post detailing the issue and there's already a lively discussion about it over there.
It's been real folks. See ya.