IC: Royal Harpy Report

Aug 17, 2010 20:32

This is the Royal Harpy Report for the Princes Symposium on August fourteenth in the year of our Lord two thousand and ten, hosted by the Respected Prince Joshua Heathcliff.

What a night dear Kindred, what a night! Any gathering of Kindred is a night of intrigue and social excellence, but those rare occurrences when those amongst us whom are Exalted for their station as Prince gather for a Symposium is always a magnificent experience! Kindred from miles around flocked to Gainesville this night and examples of the highest in civility and the worst of scandal have been demonstrated for all. As the elected Royal Harpy, it is my solemn duty and responsibility to inform those Kindred near and far of all the events worth mentioning that occurred this night.

But that doesn't mean I cannot enjoy it.

The night itself started off as many such gatherings do, Kindred filtering in and making such introductions. A copious amount of illustrious Kindred enjoyed the comforts of Seneschal Marc Gerhardt's home (such a magnanimous gesture on his part), and many thanks to Lord Godfrey, local Primogen of Clan Ventrue, for supplying the imported wine selections. The Sheriff of the Domain Mr. Tristan of Clan Gangrel saw to the security from the rebellion and his several deputies scattered about were a welcome sight indeed. Representatives from the Giovanni clan graced us with the elegance and pallor that only they seem to be able to bring to a party, and provided a wealth of conversation. We were blessed with the presence of no less than five Princes and three designated Representatives from around the Southeast region, as well as a Representative of the Virgina Imperium to the north. Kindred of all walks of life were dressed in their best, and some had dressed far less than the rest.

Appearances are most important, lest you be judged lacking by your peers.

Clan Toreador once again outshone many Kindred at the Symposium, their styles of dress and choice accessories marking them as the Kindred to associate with. Lady Verbena once again demonstrated the elegance and mystery of her veils and hand-crafted masks, attracting a throng of followers and well-wishers who clamored just to be near her and get a closer examination of her exquisite dress (imported silk from China I'm led to believe). Elder Kalil ibn Najjar Al-Farabi was sporting a more modern business casual for the evening, but I doubt many who spent any amount of time around him failed to notice his blue suede shoes (hand-crafted I'm told). Members of Clan Tremere Chad Brochell and Zane Daily were seen sporting their "best" visors just for the visiting Princes, whom I'm sure appreciated the care they took.

Of course with all the beautiful people, those less prepared and dressed for the evening stood out in even harsher relief. Of particular note was one uninvited Anarch named Philip, a Kindred in need of serious advice on styles of dress. Philip was sporting a pair of Lee jeans, dirty sneakers and a dull white tee shirt (an ensemble purchased exclusively at a Super Wal-Mart, for your shopping pleasure). Thankfully only a small number of Kindred chose to dress inappropriately for the occasion, which allowed the events of the evening to unfold mostly uninterrupted.

Take heed:  this is the Camarilla.  The Ivory Tower, a haven and home for civilized Kindred and a society of elegance and grace. Your hooker boots do not belong here.

At the nine o'clock hour, the Princes gathered for their first order of buisness: the selection of a Royal Harpy. The Princes and Representatives took the proper amount of time to make such a delicate and important choice and after what felt like agonizing hours of anticipation they chose myself. Unfortunately, a small matter of a Bloodhunt had to be settled before the Princes could move on with the rest of their agenda. Stephan Harrison, a member of Clan Toreador, had not only been Unacknowledged but Bloodhunted by the Famous Prince Heathcliff of Gainesville. Mighty curious it was, that instead of fleeing for his life as would be expected, he turned himself in to the Seneschal that he may beg for forgiveness in front of the Prince! Chained and beaten, he was brought by Seneschal Gerhardt into the Symposium meeting, where it was explained to the gathered Princes that his crimes were fabrications of a member of the Tremere as Stephan begged for his continued existence.

Had the Exalted Prince Nasir Ed Din not brought forth another option, I would be informing you now that Stephan's ashes were given to his Sire. Prince Nasir Ed Din put forward that should Stephan give his life to Prince Heathcliff in the form of a Life Boon, that it should fulfill the Bloodhunt in technical form. With the gathered Symposium members and Archon Jason Madwell watching, Prince Heathcliff agreed with Prince Nasir Ed Din and accepted Stephan's Life Boon. Stephan then offered a boon to every Prince and Representative present for troubling them with his insignificant self (which all agreed to settle with Stephan after the Symposium was over). That matter resolved, I left the Princes to inform the rest of the gathering about Stephan and name the lesser Harpies for my tenure as Royal Harpy: Lady Kiara of Clan Gangrel, Beatrice Vendramin of Clan Ventrue, Europa of Clan Gangrel,  Jason Blackwell of Clan Tremere (do remember this name) and finally Valenzo Pepino Andalini of Clan Gangrel.

One should not lie to their peers, the truth is always uncovered.

While the Princes gathered about, the usual socialization occurred as they eagerly awaited the results from the Symposium meeting. Khallid of Huntsville was a delight to converse with so I'm told.  I had the joys of simply listening to one of his tales while enjoying an exceptionally fine cigar I purchased from a local Toreador. We were blessed with a rare treat as renowned culinary expert Gillis Dunsirn was in attendance and shared his talents with any who asked him politely for a sample. Anato Alleghieri was as friendly and humble a guest as was ever seen, aiding several Kindred in acquiring information and goods otherwise unable to be attained. Maverick Van Alstine was in excellent form as well, sharing with me tales of the wilds with dramatic tones and gesticulation to my personal delight.

Unfortunately not all members of Maverick Van Alstine's Clan are as well-adjusted to such high culture as himself, such is the case of Sheriff Tristan of Clan Gangrel. While adamant and vigorous in his defense of his Domain, something which should be commended, he had a bad habit of taking it a smidge too far. Growing claws and displaying them frequently in front of the Elders of Clan Ventrue, threatening the invited guests of Toreador Elders, insulting the childer of visiting Elder Brujah and generally having issues restraining his base animal instincts is not becoming of civilized society. Thank goodness Lord Godfrey and Seneschal Gerhardt were able to restrain and calm him, lest an incident occur in public. I find that his actions were an insult to the patronage his Elder Carmen Ibarra graciously bestowed upon him, all insults to those of higher standing should be treated appropriately and we should not consider him so *Loyal* for two months as a punishment.

Always be aware to whom you speak, lest you offend your Elders.

An incident plagued Clan Malkavian and others throughout the evening, the unexplainable appearance of floating bricks and other floating objects seeming to torment the gathering at random times. The Malkavian Primogen Ian Simmons was particularly tortured, her delicate sensibilities shaken rather harshly, causing her to unfortunately scream aloud on two occasions. Experts in manners of the Blood from Clan Tremere determined it was an ability that is known to those of Ravnos blood, a mind trick that can seem all too real. Luminitsa, of the Ravnos blood, upon realizing the issue went straight to the Sheriff to present herself for questioning on the matter, and ironically inspired several rumors which spread quickly that she was to blame.  After careful investigation from not only the Sheriff but also myself and Marc Gerhardt, using mortal methods and powers of the blood we were all able to determine that she was not the cause of such a situation. She offered to have herself detained and even staked if the Elders of the city felt it prudent, and such a *Loyal* act should be recognized as an example to other Kindred.

The culprit was indeed found thankfully, after turning himself in. Elder Bob of the Ravnos Blood came forward to confess that he was responsible for the mass illusionist issues. He admitted that he was under a compulsion to do so, as someone had used powers of the blood to cause him to torment the Malkavian Primogen and other such guests. He willingly offered a Major Boon to the Malkavian Primogen as an apology, begging the Clan's forgiveness and wishing he knew who had caused the issue. I personally find it strange that he had been in Jason Blackwell's presence moments before the images and torments began, and always Mr. Blackwell seemed rather pleased with himself.

Loyalty is rewarded, honesty is a virtue. Remember your place.

Speaking of Jason Blackwell, he seemed to be on the tip of everyone's gossip tongue all evening after I selected him for a Lesser Royal Harpy. Rumor has it that he had threatened (yes you read me correctly) his Primogen Council, that if they "dared remove support" that he would "Scandalize them for whatever I felt justified in, and then I'll laugh as this city burns around you." Very scandalous indeed, were these words true! After the fifth Kindred confided in me regarding this rumor, I encountered Mr. Blackwell (at the time the Harpy of Gainesville) and spoke to him in private regarding the rumor. Not only did he not bother to dismiss or deny the rumor, he then informed me that "were this not a Symposium gathering I would have violent reactions towards Prince Heathcliff," in regards to Stephan Harrison. Now I have heard it from the mouth of the source, and more shocked I could not have been! It took every ounce of my composure to refrain from a verbal outburst as I left, pondering how best to handle this situation.

Not an hour or so later I am approached by members of the Nosferatu Clan as they confide in me that Mr. Blackwell is at it again, this time threatening Lord Godfrey and Seneschal Gerhardt themselves at the gathering. I am stopped by several other Kindred, Anato Alleghieri and Elder Kalil ibn Najjar Al-Farabi being the most prominent that come to mind, to inform me of the same AND that he has now threatened the Sheriff of this Domain! Add all of this to the smug behavior around Elder Bob of the Ravnos blood, and I was left with just one avenue to pursue with Jason Blackwell. Before I could pass any judgment however, the Princes had finished their Symposium and my services were required to announce their decrees.

Stay tuned my fellow Kindred, there is more to the story of Mr. Blackwell.

As I was handed the notes on the Princes subject matters, I will relay the information in similar form and fashion. Forgive me if I do not wax on eloquently in this section of the report.

The Following Domains were represented in this Symposium: Gainesville (represented by Prince Heathcliff), Orlando (represented by Proxy Nicholae Gry), Huntsville (represented by Proxy Lady Verbena), Hernando (represented by Prince Nasir Ed Din), Atlanta (represented by Proxy Pietro De Luca), Charlotte, Fl (represented by Prince Maxwell Preston), Tampa (represented by Prince Alaric Vlegeler), Brevard (represented by Prince Ruada Morrigan) and finally the Virginia Imperium (represented by Proxy Ms. Eisley).

Topic One: The Rebellion -

Seneschal Marc Gerhardt of Clan Brujah, an Elder with considerable experience in dealing with the rebellion, gave a lengthy presentation on knowledge of the rebellion and its tactics. He advised all the gathered representatives on methods that the Rebellion will use in attacking the Camarilla, and ways these methods can be countered and the cities returned to safety. I believe even Archon James Madwell was taking notes, as Elder Gerhardt offered suggestions and strategies for every encounter or situation a Representative could consider occurring within their Domains. In the end, after hearing of the situations and struggles of fellow Domains, the gathered representatives pledged to support the Virginia Imperium as well as the Domains in Charlotte and Ft. Myers in matters concerning the Rebellion.

Topic Two: The Gangrel -

This has been a whispered topic amongst the halls of dozens of Domains for several years, though this is the first time it has come to light. The Archon James Madwell, serving the Brujah Justicar Jaroslav Pascek and acting on his whims and commands, spoke very harshly to the representatives saying that "any Princes in the Symposium whom had a Gangrel Primogen are *short-sighted*." Strong words to start a discussion with, and such passionate words from the Archon on behalf of his Justicar had clearly impacted two of the Princes at the table. It occurs to me that an Archon may only grant negative standing or remove it if a Kindred is impeding their investigations in some way. How the Cultured Prince Marcus Shaw and the Famous Prince Ruada Morrgan have impeded the Archon's duties in any way by having Gangrel Primogen is a mystery to myself, and I'm sure upon reading this we can expect an answer to this dangerous rumor before it spreads too far to be contained.

Heated discussion back and forth, citing Traditions and precedent set over the centuries whilst the Archon continued to present the opinions he was expected to share, carried on for a good length of time before Proxy Nicholae Gry spoke. He began by reading a letter that Elder Primogen Carmen Ilbarra wrote, as requested by Prince Heathcliff to be read at the Symposium. I will reprint it here now for the records of the Ivory Tower:

"Unto the Exalted Princes of the Southeast Camarilla and their Famous guests from further lands, on this night of August fourteenth in the year two thousand and ten,

I proffer apologies at my own lack of attendance to speak, as was hoped for in discussion with Lord Godfrey, but matters of local defense and familial obligation keep me occupied and away from your august gather this evening and thus still my tongue, but, fortunately,  not my pen.

It has been brought to attention that upon the agenda of the prince’s symposium this eve lies a matter close to heart and to long held duty and loyalty.  The agenda speaks upon the suitability of domains wishing to appoint a primogen for clan Gangrel, a matter of due concern given the leaving of former Justicar Xavier and the subsequent following of portions of the clan at his lead.

To give pause, however, I will speak as one who remains, one who cares for and shepherds many who have. My children, by and large, remain. As do their children and their children after them, and while my line is refuge to an occasional anarch or independent, they are those that never joined the Ivory Tower in the first and are rarity in my particular blood. I observed the signing at the Convention of Thorns, and walked with Warlord Karsh to that gathering, trusting in the young lord’s zeal and passion for the sect. I bloodied and destroyed Sabbat at the sacking of Silchester, in the World Wars, in Spain before we were forced from those shores, and I have held the line against our enemies in the southeast because our enemies must not be given quarter.

The blood of the Sabbat has stained my claws and will do so again when they next make their foolish attempts.  When Xavier left, I watched one younger than I, follow his heart and take parts of the clan with him and I sorrowed. Yet I remained, for my duty and loyalties remained with the Ivory Tower.   Some of my clan would question this choice and to them I would offer only that in a clan that values freedom, we will all make our own choices.  And yet, I remain.

I am not the only one. In addition to my line, Orlando is home to several Camarilla loyal Gangrel, many of them young and wishing to serve the sect. We are not the only city that boasts this claim, that while many have left, some have chosen to stay regardless of the stigma heaped upon us by sect and by even our own clan-mates. We have chosen this path, and as such the scrutiny is not begrudged - I would not fault the sect for carefully maintaining its own security, after all. The question, thus, remains valid, though my feelings upon it remain steadfast.

For those that remained, to have our voice plucked from us like breath stolen from corpse is abhorrent. To have spent centuries in service and have my loyalty questioned grieves me, not for personal gain, but because it is my duty to shepherd the members of my clan, give them voice, and teach them the solidarity that the tower offers. Without that voice, you have robbed not only an elder of the sect of her duty, but also a vital resource that allows those who have remained to continue to pass on our legacy in the sect.

I do not ask, however, that all cities retain a primogen for which they may find no value or need - some cities certainly will not find their populace warrants the numbers or representation for such.  Such a sweeping statement would countermand the rationale of my argument as well . Some cities will find no need for a primogen of the Gangrel, but others will. It is a prince’s choice and will over their domain that should decide this, as it is and has always been a prince’s will that governs their city. I ask, thus, only that you leave the matter of the voice of my clan to each domain to decide for themselves, within matters of their own populace and security, with knowledge of who remains and who has gone, and with due consideration.

I trust the governing wisdom of the princes to choose that which will maintain the traditions of the Ivory Tower and what best suits the safety of the sect.

In service to the Camarilla,

Carmen Ibarra

Once known as Mari

*Acknowledged*, *Established*, and *Venerated* *Elder* of the Camarilla

*Revered* as Primogen of the Gangrel of Orlando

*Stalwart* enemy of the Sabbat

*Loyal* in service to the sect"

Powerful words from a highly respected Elder of our Sect, and yet those words were quickly followed by a statement from the Proxy of Atlanta, that "Carmen spits in the face of the sect."

I must interject, I admit I was rather surprised to hear that one of lesser standing such as Prince Octavius Sage would instruct his Proxy to convey such a sentiment regarding a superior member of the Camarilla. After Proxy De Luca spoke such harsh words, and openly disrespected such a well respected member of the Camarilla, the Archon later commented to me that Proxy De Luca should be seen as Exemplary. Now I am not nearly as old as half the Kindred in the gathering this night, but even the youngest neonate is aware that you should not insult your peers and betters and then expect to be rewarded, nor should you encourage such behavior in Neonates by your example. I'm sure that Archon Madwell will find it rather poetic that he is seen as *short-sighted* until matters resolve themselves properly. As to Prince Octavius and Proxy De Luca, there has already been private discussion on making reparations to the Stalwart Elder Primogen Carmen Ilbarra and the matter was handled with grace and sophistication that only the Roses can bring to the table.

After all this confrontation the gathered body decided, after reflecting on the words of Carmen, to table the matter of discussion for now for a different time.

Topic Three: Thin Bloods -

This one was relatively short in discussion, and the matter was resolved quickly. As any such discussion regarding a possible "Thin Blood" is steeped in the heretical beliefs of the Rebellion, these lies about Thin Bloods are further Propaganda of the Rebellion. No discussion on the ideals, beliefs or theology of the Rebellion should ever be encouraged and supported n the Ivory Tower so this issue is to have no further discussion in the Domains, lest punishment fall on the heads of the transgressors.

Topic Four: The Red Star -

This one was also relatively short in discussion, and the matter was resolved quickly. As any such discussion regarding a possible "Red Star" is steeped in the heretical beliefs of the Rebellion, these lies about Red Stars are just further Propaganda of the Rebellion. No discussion on the ideals, beliefs or theology of the Rebellion should ever be encouraged or supported in the Ivory Tower so this issue is to have no further discussion in the Domains, lest punishment fall on the heads of the transgressors.

Topic Five: The Giovonni -

After extensive talks with Augustine Giovanni, the Princes decreed that any such negotiations or situations that may arise between the Giovanni and the Ivory Tower were covered very thoroughly in The Promise. Camarilla citizens are to speak with their Elders in regard to the Promise if they should have any questions in their dealings with the Giovanni.

Topic Six: Berlin -

The Princes decreed that if her Grace Justicar Maris Streck wanted the general citizens of the Camarilla to be aware of the events in Berlin, she would have already told us. Kindred in the Domains represented by the Symposium shall not bring up the event, lest punishment fall on the heads of the transgressors.

Finally, a thank you to all the Domains who attended, your wisdom was appreciated.

After the announcements from the Prince Symposium were made, I was on to the matters of standing regarding several Kindred in the gathering as mentioned earlier. For their service and continuous assistance throughout the night, I see fit to recognize Lady Verbena, Lord Godfrey and Marc Gerhardt as *Valiant* members of the Sect. Without those three, the night could not have been nearly as successful as it was. Finally, I reached the topic of Jason Blackwell. I would like to begin this by saying that for many years Jason and I have had a fantastic working relationship. He and I have assisted in matters of scandal, we have shared findings of standing and generally been useful to one another. He was one of few Kindred I would consider an ally in our society, and at one point was as close a Tremere could ever be to having the same cultured view on our society as a Ventrue.


You do not threaten your Primogen Council with Scandal when you yourself have been caught in a lie. You do not threaten the lives of the Primogen Council with fire when you have not gotten the authority you desire. You do not threaten the life of your Prince because he was shone that you lied to him and corrected the situation as best he could. You do not threaten a Prince to the Royal Harpy. When the Royal Harpy tells you the Primogen are unhappy, you do NOT go and threaten them again during a Princes Symposium! At first I simply thought to see Jason as Violent and remove him as a Lesser Royal Harpy, but then I learned of the second threatening. I then thought to couple that with removing the patronage Prince Heathcliff had graciously given him, but then he threatened the Prince to my face. Clearly the accounting had failed with this Kindred, as he had not learned the basic rules of respect and restraint the neonates are taught upon Embrace. Clearly he needed to go through the process again and after arranging with his Primogen a teacher for these lessons, with a heavy heart I removed his *Acknowledgment* within our Sect. Thank goodness his Clan escorted him off the property immediately. I believe he is destined for Atlanta to study with his Clanmates there.

Stay civilized.

- Alexander Baker

Royal Harpy

alexander baker

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