Nov 20, 2009 01:41
Anson the Elder,
Good evening sir! I hope you're doing well!!
I hope you don't mind me interrupting, but I just saw one of the most interesting comments I've EVER had the pleasure of viewing on this most splendid and sacred of internet forums. The moment I read this, I knew without a doubt that my valuable and highly important opinion was needed right away! I'm so thankful the my Google filter for the words "Guardian", "Gay", and "Secrets" seems to be working so well and bring this to my attention. It's not as if I wasn't enjoying the company of two fine Nubian gentleman I purchased for the evening. Oh no.
"Also, I think the Guardians are gay."
Those are your words, arn't they Anson the Elder? I mean, I'd hate to think that e-mails are rewriting themselves as they're sent. I would then assume you've had the personal pleasure of being on the receiving end of all the Guardians personal "Mind Probes" in the world eh? I know for sure that your delicate and lily white rear has yet to graze my masculine and throbbing "Mind Scanner" as of yet so I would doubt you have personal experience with the fact that EVERY Guardian is Gay. I mean, I have been known to sleep with four or five men at one time sure, but not all of them are Guardians (quite a number of Silver Ladder and Free Council though. I'm happy to provide a common staff they can grasp in unison!) and certainly I would HOPE that everyone does not view me as THE Representative for my Order. I do have fantastic head shots though...they'd go great on the extended size bumper stickers.
I guess we could do magnets for my face as well, not everyone recognizes me by my specialty scanner :).
At any rate Breeder, I think some of my Order may take offense in being bunched up with other Vaginally-challenged individuals as such as myself. I Mean, I'd HATE to be confused for a chainsaw wielded retarded drunk Monkey (Free Council) or one of those geeky kids we stuffed in lockers in high school or made to eat their own fecal matter in the bathroom (Mysterium) or how about those lame football jocks who spent time with all the other lame jocks bashing beer cans into their foreheads and preforming stupid "guy" tricks involving cars and baseball bats in the crotch (Adamantine Arrow...though I do enjoy shower time! Call me up next training day Payday, pretty please! I'll being the lotion!) or those silly scene kids who consider themselves straight edge and try to force you into their crazy Jesus H. Christ Baptists cults involving singing and denial of the wonders of sex (Hello Silver Ladder!) or my worst of all: A filthy reproducing leech on society Breeder.
Now, I'm POSITIVE that you didn't mean that in a negative stereo type manner. I mean I'd hate to be spreading any horrid rumors and nasty racial and sexual slurs around, wouldn't you? You wouldn't want to be considered intolerant in this day and age? I mean, using racial slurs was SOO 1960's baby, and sexual slurs went out in 2004! Everyone in the fashion world knows this, so I'm SURE as a Fabulous and Fantastic individual as yourself knows that simply calling someone gay in this day and age betrays a hint of childish behavior not seen since...well, High school!
Now, if you're going to be insulting you should do it equally. You shouldn't pick on someone simply because you have a profiled hatred of them. If that were the case, I'd be branding all women who have a period with a big scarlet B on their vest so I can identify who NOT to associate with 5 days out of the month!!
Now that I've officially insulted everyone I can possibly think of, can we all simply go about our business and forget this awe-fullness? I mean, no one on here is really CHILDISH and IMMATURE enough to keep a silly discussion like this going when it simply degrading to name calling, sexual and racial smears, and insulting of personal orders. Gonna call my friend (and cabalmate) The One-Man Brigade a porch monkey? For shame...
If I failed at insulting anyone here (because I want to make sure I was equally insulting and rude to everyone! I'd hate to be considered a bigot after all) please let me know and you to can have your own personalized insult handcrafted by yours truly.
Good Evening y'all.
- Michael Sparkles
Guardian of the Veil
Totally not a Breeder.