Oct 12, 2007 14:27
I just talked to my mom and my grandmother has sepsis..and infection in the blood. They aren't 100% sure how she got it but they ran tests this morning on her heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, colon and intestines to try and find out how she got it and if there are other things going on or that they need to be concerned about. She had a kidney infection awhile back and it could be that they did not get it completely cleared up, she could still have a leak in her stomach, colon or intestines from her Krohns Desease and that could have caused it, she also had surgery in August on her back and neck and she could have picked it up in the hospital but most likely she would have gotten sick before now.
She was basically in kidney failure yesterday when her blood pressure dropped so low and her heart stopped so they want to make sure that there is no permanent damage to her kidneys and heart. The only test that has come back so far was her EKG and it was very, very good. The nurse said it was great considering her heart stopped several times yesterday so hopefully all the other tests they did for her heart come back good as well.
My mom said she looks much better today and says she feels better. I got to talk to her on the phone for about five minutes and she sounded good all things considered. So we are just waiting for all the test results to come back to see what caused this and what needs to be done next. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts I really appreciate it. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends!
Now I am getting ready to leave work so I can go and do some laundry and packing. We are going to try to go to Norman this weekend so we can see my grandmother.
Thanks again!