Jul 20, 2005 21:42
I am forced to watch FoxNews at my work every day, and let me tell you, I find it F***ing hilarious how the Democratic party is talking about the newly nominated Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Judge Roberts. They are saying that they would have preferred a more "main-stream" nominee and yet that they were expecting a conservitive. We'll no shit!! Lets see, they know they are gonna end up with someone on the right, and they want someone towards the middle... OH GEE!!! That means they would have preferred someone more liberal!! But funny thing about Politics in this country, you have to win the presidential election to nominate ANY judge, the conservitives don't really have to care what you think. Sure the Dems could filibuster all they want and hold up any bill that is to be set before congress, but that only makes them look bad and looses them votes. Just vote the guy through, he seems to be a good guy.
Also, I know that I'm gonna catch flak for this, but Roe v. Wade didn't legalize abortion, it just mandated it nationally. Where before that power was with the states, Roe v. Wade took that away and gave it to the Federal Government.