Jun 29, 2008 21:00
Best of Clinton County parade was yesterday. We (me, Dad and the Kids) tricked the van out to represent some of the projects we do throughout the year: AAUW book sale, Relay for Life. Kristen sat on the roof with the Salvation Army kettle. We taped a sign Bobby made to the hood of the van and rolled down Main Street dorking out in the name of voluntary community service. It was great.
Then I took Meghan and we swung by the church parking lot to pork out on strawberry shortcake and smoothies. She came home with me for awhile and baby-talked Jude, and then we went to the museum to hear the ghost hunters give their report.
Awhile back, the SPIRIT paranormal team from Sunbury came to the museum to investigate the hauntings Dad told them about. They brought everything from video cameras to tape recorders to a Scrabble board and dowsing rods. Yesterday they gave a report on their findings. It was so cool! Some of the EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomena) couldn't be understood, but there was one that was a guy saying very clearly, "You wanna buy a horse?" AWESOME.
And then -- oh, and then -- I woke up this morning and couldn't get out of bed. At Dad's yesterday, I fell while walking up the hill, and when I put my arms out to catch myself, I jammed my right shoulder hard and tore a muscle in the back of my neck. I tried to sit up this morning and couldn't do it -- because with CP, one's entire body is involved in the sitting up process. (Yes, even the neck.) By the time I managed to haul myself out of bed and get dressed, I hurt so bad I couldn't breathe. I had to call an ambulance to come get me and take me to the hospital, where they subjected me to about a gazillion X-rays before sending me home with a shot of Torodol and a dozen Darvocet for the pain - and a cervical collar. I am truly stoned. I'd be asleep right now if my work clothes weren't downstairs in the wash.
And that, my friends, was my weekend.