Superior Epics and Strange Ideas

Jun 01, 2004 15:14

I was just looking at my last post. I was considering deleting it because it was definitely NOT quality word smithing. Yes, that's right, I consider writing to be akin to any sort of smithery. Blacksmithing, silver smithing, you name it. Every word, every punctuation and every idea must be expertly struck while the iron's hot. I eventually decided not to because, well, I don't know, I bothered to write it, why not?

Back to Lord of the Rings. My Lord, I'm still tingling. There's always this time between December and summer that I forget about how good the movies are. But it always comes back when I see the movie again. Since all three theatrical versions are out now, I decided to take the time to reflect. I found that interesting analogies could be made between the films and their DVD box art. Take The Fellowship of the Ring for example, when it's design was made, nobody knew how big this monster would become. Therefore the art has a kind of Fantasy-Cult-Epic sort of feel to it. A kind of has a mystical sense, if you will. Then there's The Two Towers. This art feels a little bit more mainstreamed, but it still retains a sense of being part of something larger and more epic, yet includes a feeling that pertains to the darkening of the plot. Then, there's Return of the King. This art basically leaves no doubt in anyone's mind as to how grand and epic this is. It basically screams "I'm better than anything else you will see this year!!!" Anyone that agrees with me, or at least understands what I'm talking about, please raise your hand. [Counts] Good, I'm glad I can still confound y'all.

While working yesterday, I came up with a cool idea. Watching all Seventy-six films that won the Academy's Best Picture Award. That's right, we start with Wings (1928) and go all the way up to, you guessed it, Lord of the Rings (2003). Along the way there will be some other interesting movies, such as Platoon, In the Heat of the Night, All Quiet on the Western Front, Rebbecca, Rain Man, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the English Patient, A Beautiful Mind and many others. There are some strange picks (Rocky?) and some obvious ones (Gone With the Wind and Titanic, perhaps you've heard of them?), and incredibly long ones (Ben Hur...four fugubaaing hours!!!), but they're all good. I was thinking we could kind of watch one on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Obviously, this will take us more than a year. And if it seems too much to y'all, maybe we could jump around a bit and not do them all chronologically. Kind of make it a choice thing, you know?

Let me know if you like the idea. Or, not. If it gets rejected, don't worry about it, I'll get over that idea pretty soon, just like how I got over my idea to move to Ireland and become a sheep doctor.

I suppose I'll just end there because there's really not much else I can say-My, God...A SHEEP DOCTOR for Cripes sake, what the hell was I thinking?!
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