Stadium Arcadium

Jun 07, 2006 23:20

Okay then, I guess you guys don't really want to hear about my mostly-boring-with-awkwardly-amusing-nuggets-buried-within-them stories. Fair enough, if I ever get around to writing them I'll be sure to filter them right into the stream. That's a pretty big if however, as I am uber-busy right now. But hey, it's all good because I got a 91% on my first Calculus Exam! Woo-hoo! That is the highest grade I've gotten on anything, quiz or test, out of all three times I've taken this class. Kind of pathetic, I know, but you know what, I want to conquer this class. You hear me MAT 295? You're dead!

Anyways, I've recently acquired the Red Hot Chili Peppers new album Stadium Arcadium. It was actually a gift from my mom for doing so good on the aforementioned test. Yup, that's right, my parents have reverted right back to punishment/reward while I'm home for the summer. But it's all good, as long as I do good (By the way, if you're wondering, yes, the test is up on my fridge.). Anyways, this is an awesome album. I don't know why it's taken me so long to get a RHCP album, as I have always taken a fancy to their music, but now that is no longer the case. It's a good time for that as well, because Stadium Arcadium is apparently the "first great album of 2006" (Rolling Stone/Spin). I don't now how it's been for you guys, but for me, 2006 has been a fairly barren year for new music. If you disagree with this statement then I invite you to submit your opinion to me via the link at the bottom of this post that is devoted for reader comments. But regardless how it has been for you guys, I stand by what I said. As far as 2006 is concerned, I'm sure the release of the Barenaked Ladies new album later this year will save these twelve calendar months for me. I know what you might be thinking: "Y0U L1ST3N T0 R3D H0T CH1LL1 P3PP3RS 4ND B4R3N4K3D L4D13S? BUT TH31R S0 OLD!!!! L0L0L0L R0TFL!!!!" Yes I do, they're established bands, they've hit their stride, I know I can count on them for enjoyable music and for something new, fresh and equally enjoyable. And enjoy it I do, because this is a great album that successfully mixes the Peppers signature sound with some established sounds of great albums and bands past (Is that a smattering of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and Pink Floyd I hear? Yes it is.)

Anyways, I must be off. I have some Calc homework to do while listening to good music.
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