May 20, 2006 17:10
Yes indeed, it has been two years, one month and one week since I started this humble little livejournal. I would have celebrated its birthday on the actual day-April 13-if it weren’t for the fact that I haven’t exactly been prolific with the updates so far this year. For those that are keeping track, this is only my fourth entry for 2006. Regardless, I will forge ahead nonetheless. As is tradition, I will take this time update and reaffirm the Laws of Bandandy. Quite simply, they are the rules I like to live by when writing in this little livejournal of mine, so here they are.
1) If I don't have anything to write about, I won't write anything. Nothing gets under my skin quite like this instance. I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen it. A person feels some sort of duty to update his/her livejournal but has nothing extraordinarily substantial to write about. Ignoring this fact they forge on ahead and proceed to tell us about their day, what they did and to whom they talked (not what they talked about, oh no, just who they talked to…fascinating). You will never see me merely narrate an entire day, unless, of course, it was a day like the one I saw a WWII veteran wail an anti-war protester with his cane or like the time I was hitting on that 29 year old woman, not knowing that she had a boyfriend and he was standing right behind me. Other than that I try to keep it to just reflections.
2) No whining. Sure, bad stuff happens in my life. I’m not saying that it doesn’t. My personal view is that my journal is not the right place for me to expound upon them. I try to keep things light and happy around here. If you don’t leave my journal with a smile on your face, I have failed you. (Warning: I will fail you 87% of the time.)
3) Minimal LiveJournal Quiz postings. As fascinated as I am with which Slingblade character I am, I generally will keep the results of these things to myself. They are only posted if they are exceptionally funny or weird or true.
4) Proper grammar will reign supreme here. I’m not saying that I am a grammar master or anything, but I have flipped through Strunk & White’s Elements of Style once or twice.
5) LJ Cuts are for sissies. Now I know a lot of you out there utilize this feature and you probably feel offended about now but please here me out. The “sissies” I refer to are the readers who go “oh, I can skip that” when they encounter an LJ Cut and don’t feel like putting in the extra effort of reading a few extra paragraphs. I know there’s also the fact that not everyone uses them to cut down on entry length, but rather to break up their entry topically. I can see the use in that, but I still am very much against cuts, both for cutting down on length and to separate the entry topically. As many of you may know, some of my entries approach a length equivalent to most novellas. I’ve never been self conscious of this fact, nor will I ever be. As for writing about something that may be a bit esoteric to my general audience, I will break my entries up with three consecutive asterisks (***) but that’s as far as I will go. The interesting thing about this rule is that it is new in that this is the first time it’s been laid down, but old in the fact that I’ve pretty much always adhered to it.
Well, there they are, the new and improved Laws of Bandandy. Enjoy!