When i think of them, I think what a waste of money, i could have bought a cd. All summer i run around and run and run, never looking back, forward, or to my side. ignoring phone calls, messages, myspace and blatened signs my summer gets hotter but i don't mind. Books trickle in at the end of August, i'm warned but not worried, SOON YOU'LL HAVE TO BUCKLE DOWN MISSY, or, YOU NEED TO GROW UP,
ARE YOU PREPARED. September comes and its the day school starts i need to get my books bought before class i need a binder i need a note book i need to scam my dad for a coffee money...doesn't work.
hours go by my neck hurts from staring at men who look like the boys i took pitty on in highschool and waved at even though i would never know there name not even if they told me everyday. I'm stuck in a chair i have to sit, i have to pay attention but i only do in and out. when i'm out, i think of those damn things again. i haven't had them in so long.
they used to hang one by one in my bed room and in clusters in my corners. my grandparents thought it was morbid
i thought it was beautiful, my sister wouldn't sleep in my room because the spiders had a made through out them. when i was little i would talk to the dead spiders on my front porch and on my back porch. when my dad finally washed them away i cryd and asked him why he made my friends go away and every once n while i'd pretend they were still there.
i get emotional like they mean love if you get them. even though the case was usually someone messed up so heres your prize I'M SORRY
. I like them barely bloomed in dozens it makes me feel comforted but just the random colors of different kinds makes me feel like you know who i am i love different colors but if you give me them in a box well i've never had them all red in a box i've never had them in a ribon like a really pretty ribbon with gold and it kind of shimmers and its part see through i had two in a vase once but that was from my dad. i guess you can tell its fall cause i'm listening to zeppelin punk n dreaming about flowers and marriage durring english