sexuality in the media=thanx nicole hey, mickey your so fine your so fine you blow my mind hey mickey/so does nicole, i just don't know any songs with nicole in them. We had the best week end ever. mickey came up to bellevue and we definetly had some good adventures.
unfortunately when i came home cara goes "shauna patty got the same tattoo as you." i pretty much flipped and had the worst case of cusing i've had in a long ass time.
me and cara are going to look at a house today if it works out i will be so happy.
i can't wait to play music again. *cough* you know who i'm talking too *cough*
Shauna Lawson
Teacher Butler
English 101
21 February 2006
If someone yells boobs you’re bound to look. Not because you’re a bad person, or your heavily attracted to them. Most likely you do it on reaction. It could be called curiosity. Didn’t curiosity kill the cat? What of young minds, will curiosity kill minds? Maybe that’s extreme, how about deaden, or lead in the wrong direction. What’s worse is maybe they’re not even curious yet, and someone shouts boobs. Young children walking with their parents and ahead lays a billboard with a models breast popping down at them, is that okay? The impact of the media on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors has grown vastly as the years have progressed.
On average each hour of programming popular with teens has 6.7 scenes that included sexual topics. “The survey showed that watching TV with sexual content artificially aged the children: those who watched more than average behaved sexually as though they were 9 to 17 months older and watched only average amounts. Twelve-year-olds who watched the most behaved sexually like 14- and 15-year-olds who watched the least.”(brody1) TV’s live in living rooms or family rooms, basements, kitchens, and rec. rooms, and here’s the worst, bed rooms. There are TV’s everywhere, where we sleep, eat, work, that’s not to mention the internet or music. The computer doesn’t know who you are, how old, what kind of morals you hold yourself to. The internet will simply “pop up” some random advertisement for pornographic images or maybe more. One national survey found every one out of five between the ages of 10- to-17-year-olds ''inadvertently encountered explicit sexual content, and one in five had been exposed to an unwanted sexual solicitation while online.''(brody3)
Media is constantly feeding everyone’s eyes with the standards and morals of a horny 40 year old single fat guy. Not because Media is evil or we should do away with it all together, but because the media knows that sex sells. Children should be aware of sex, but not by the media. Children should be warned of the consequences of sexual activity out of a safe zone. Sex should be looked at as a good, but dangerous thing if used incorrectly. “Each year, nearly 900,000 teenage girls in the United States become pregnant (340,000 are 17 or younger). The rates of sexually transmitted diseases are higher among teenagers than among adults’, is this why, because adults don’t have it they don’t tell their teenagers about it, ‘Chlamydia infections were six times as prevalent’, in 2002, ’among sexually active adolescent girls as they were among sexually active women.” (brody1) No, that can’t be it; it is most likely that there is so much sex in the media going on but not even close as much awareness of the side affect going on. Then all children go on the same keep doing what they’re doing and no one knows? No it is most definitely a time for a radical change. A revolution of society needs to occur, but first a revelation for the mind. How about the question what is life all about? If it is all about sex then we are doing well and we should all die happy. Unfortunately this cannot be the true meaning of life to stare at breast and reproduce. Although sex is most definitely fun there is more to life and ways to live a more full life than spending all your time on watching TV and being promiscuous.
Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunctioned in the 2004 super bowl showed one of her breast, a foot ball game. During this years 2005 super bowl,, an online domain licensing site, broadcasted a commercial that featured a busty brown haired hottie. She was being questioned at a mock “broadcast censorship hearing.” Soon there after, her strap snapped. The FCC heavily gave a fine for the Janet Jackson incident; although they let the commercial go free as long as they promised not to play it again. They bowed out graciously. Yes some things are being done but there isn’t any thing huge to keep children’s minds clean. Some people are okay with that, some don’t want any censorship and they look at it as an act of freedom, freedom of choice. David Shaw is a parent of a fifteen year old boy who is constantly tell him he and his mother are “way too strict” on such matters. Everyone has the duty to exercise such caution and restrain. He says “We don’t need - and I don’t want - the government making these decisions for me.”(Shaw3) This is understandable, it’s true we do have certain rights in America and should be able to exercise them accordingly.
It is a median that needs to be found, where children aren’t bombarded with things that will make their childhood shorter or less enjoyable. This median would also include the side where if people wish to see an x-rated America they may.
The impact of the media on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors has grown like Jaba the Hut, or like Jared before Subway. The lifelong impact of not eating healthy is the same as the lifelong impact of being sexually impure. It’s a life not lived to its fullest. That is the saddest part of it all, the media feeding un-defendable children fat that will cover their eyes their entire lives unless someone is strong enough to stand up and pull it away.