Last day of summer vacation--time to buckle down for my senior year (last?) of undergrad.
Summer was great, and a lot of good things (and some bad) came out of it. Geoff, Jeff, and crew have been a blast to hang out with, and are possibly the most talented individuals I've met in the most artistic sense.
Today, there was a family barbecue going on over at Foster Beach, and even though I don't usually fancy family outings as much I used to.
Afterwards, Mic and I ended up doing a late-night run to the loop to take shots of Millennium Park for out aunt, who is curious as to what the "bean" looks like, as well as some other shots of evening city life.
Picture time. So, the daytime pictures are of my cousins in Maryland and my niece, while the night pictures are of Millennium Park and a shoddy panorama of the city from the overlook just behind the "bean":