Jan 03, 2006 14:27
Does it get any worse? Im stuck home. with the flu. and get to sit here and think about everything i was supposed to be doing. all the plans i made, and all the fun i was going to have. in the past two days, ive read 4 books. coming out close to 1200 pages. not to mention ive read two of them twice. it makes me laugh how pathetic this is. I have hardly any social contact. and its mainly through texting or an occasional email. I am so sick of my family i could scream, but i cant be too mad, because theyre just trying to help. im just frustrated. beyond belief. because this was actually going to be a good break and nothing's going as i planned.
I have to skip band practice. not really that bad...except i wanted to see people.
I canceled my shopping trip with megan. the one id SO been looking forward to.
I had to tell them i couldnt do the girls night we'd been planning since september for while meg was here.
had to cancel on my little cousin. who i had promised to take to a movie and ice cream.
I hate being stuck here. alone. with no one to talk to. at least tomorrow im going to my dad's so i'll be closer to civilization while still not being part of it.