Still looking

Jan 22, 2007 12:28

Yes that's right!

band_claim2 wants you!

If you're enthusiastic about this community and have lots of spare time on your hands...KEEP READING!

Recently we lost our promotions mod. Which bites a big one as we currently do not have someone spreading the good word of band_claim2 to those outside the community. This is where YOU fit in.

We really need someone who can take up this mighty task, as well as occasionally shouldering an activity from time to time. if you meet the following criteria, then please apply...but ONLY apply if you meet ALL the specified requirements:

Were are looking for someone who's spare time is in excess of what would be regarded as a "normal person". While this term is subjective, we aren't here to discuss that. The promotion mod is in charge of promoting the community through the use of the various promoting communities/other found on LJ and other blog-sites. Also there will be times where you will be asked to update the claims list as well as potentially post an activity for the week. There is also the other responsibilities that come with being a mod, such as:

-Resolving disputes amongst members. (Which is thankfully rare)
-Making sure that the rules of the community are abided by.
-Posting a challenge notice poll when they are issued (If you're the first mod to notice a challenge).

Ideally you should be online anywhere from 3-5 times a week minimum and have a basic grasp of html. Also, it's a bonus if you've got a large network of blogs you frequent that allow promoting as we are always looking for new members. Out of the 3 mod positions, it's the least demanding as you are normally only required to promote to 20 communities once a week. So if you're interested please fill out the little application that is to follow!

REMEMBER! Please apply only IF you can commit to the time that the position requires. We've been having a problem keeping our mods lately, which puts a mass strain on the community as the other mods have to pick up the slack. It would be really swell if we could actually KEEP our promo mod this time around. If there is even the slightest bit of doubt that you won't be able to fulfill your duties, please take a pass. Anyhow, enough with the gigantic rant and onward with the application...please copy and paste it into a comment (one comment per person) and good luck! We will likely make a decision with a week or so. Thanks!!!


Length of time with Community (approx):
Reason for application:
Can you REALLY commit the time to the position?:
List A reason we should hire you:
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