NCIS thoughts (mainly)

May 07, 2009 01:05

I'm not very fond of this supposed spin-off after all.
It seemed the only characters who were really 'real' in these episodes were our guys (girls less) and that Callen. The others (even with the "harrowing" story of Gibbs' revenge) were more puppets than real characters ::shrugging::
The one thing I can't grasp - why did they shoot Callen in the end? What for?
As an afterthought - either way (the spin-off will live or die after these episodes) the producers have their win, the "hook" to fish future viewers. But the scene was sweet, like bad fanfiction ::cackle evilly::

It was nice to read MW answers for TVGuide:
How would you describe your look on the show?
We went out and bought about 20 suits for me, and the whole point of them is they’re just a little too small. So Tony always looks like the guy who’s kind of outgrowing his clothes but he can’t afford to go buy new ones. They’re a little flashy, they’re a little too much, they’re trying too hard. It’s him, in a clothing nutshell. It’s the funniest thing in the world. - it makes sense now ;-)

and absolute hit (talking about Tiva) - I think we'd be a lot safer if Gibbs was bi-curious--you know, just a little

video for total count :-) (I just love MW):

I feel I'm neglecting beloved Jim and Blair a little now :-)
On the other hand, it's the first time I'm marching in step with the others. It feels good.
... Uhm-m-m... thinking about soldier!Jim / soldier/Gibbs

ncis, the sentinel

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