what I'd written last year

Feb 23, 2009 17:21

Finally, here we are - I finally came around to put together my last year achievements ;-)
I could've done better, I know, though for me it's quite a progress.

So, as a fan-writer I'd written:

27 Sentinel stories

Better than you...
Passing by...
How to find black sweater in the pitch-black wardrobe
While Waiting...
Dream a Little Dream of Me
The Breath of Woods
re-posted last year Halloween story
Something to not talk about
The Last Time I Felt Your Lips On My Skin...
and then there are also 16 drabbles and a short story (all are part of a big story) for the ts_secret_santa

Hope nothing is forgotten :-)

Also I'd written:

1 Harry Potter story for the hp_darkfest - SNOWDROP

1 Highlander story, actually - crossover HL/Miami Vice for hlh_shortcuts - How to Steal a Million

1 The Fast and the Furious story for smallfandomfest - not accessible by road

So, 30 stories in total.

+ 11 new vids: 6 "The Sentinel"/2 "The Fast and the Furious"/1 multifandom/1 "Roman Holiday"/1 "The Star Wars"

As an original writer I'd written: 3 original scripts for TV and researching work for other script writers + 1 article + 1 short story

Hmm, not much on the original side of my writing persona :-)

I hope there is something worth reading, and I'd actually had a lot of fun doing it all :-)

vidding, fandom, (wo)man of the pen

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