12 Days Meme

Dec 04, 2008 21:52

On the twelfth day of Christmas, banbury sent to me...

Twelve frosty patterns drumming
Eleven snowflakes piping
Ten immortals a-vidding
Nine dreams quilting
Eight theseus a-travelling
Seven books a-writing
Six methos a-reading
Five de-e-e-etective stories
Four winter counts
Three fairy tales
Two simon banks
...and a slash in a photography.

I definitely like it, but... TWO SIMON BANKS!!! Okay, okay, Don't look a gift horse in the mouth :-)))
But still - TWO Simon Banks? The one is twice my size... Though I like big men :-))
But... thanks to aerianya for the link :-)

Oh, nearly forgot SIX METHOS! Not bad, not bad at all!
And "a slash in a photography" - that will be a nice gift ::wistfully dreaming::

Oh, and vidding immortals :0

misc, holidays

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