thoughts and vids

Mar 13, 2008 04:39

Um, I have periods when I pulnge myself into something like determined pilgrim (?)

Now I accidentaly in love with Harry/Draco fics :-) and found some ver-r-ry nice vids on YouTube. I found couple vids made by Russian vidders on russian songs and now I fancy of one by myself, i even found song for Blair :-) - this one made on the song from russian animated cartoon about princess and a poor young man. Very classical story about special task to marry princes and classical song about pincess' dreams, young man's dreams, king's dreams amd king's general' dreams :-) Really really nice vid.

I installed finally PINNACLE STUDIO, cause my Movie Maker is kaput, i don't know what to do with it, so I hope to learn it quicker than Photoshop :-)

vidding, harry potter, favourite

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