
Jan 28, 2008 02:07

It's so nice here, a lot of snow and quiet. We've spent some time playing at snowballs and Egor've fought against three adults and won :-)) I like it he could do it that cool and confident for three years old, but I'm not happy that he took accuracy after his father :-((

Tommorow I had to go to the city for two days - my friends from the previous job invited me to annual awarding laureats (I've been an executive secretary to the charitable foundation and personal assistant to art director for seven years).

Then I'll spend the night at my parents' apartments and then, I hope, we'll go with my father to the mall - he wants to buy me new jacket as a birthday present and it'll be our fourth attempt to do it :-)))

Sometimes I'm tired of reading and writing in English and begin to make silly mistakes, and it's strange - not that i'm tired of the language itself, it's like the language is tired of me and begins to avoid to deal with my attempts in using it. Am I making sense here?

snow, talking, 10 words about life

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