Art Post: Like the Phoenix Midst Her Fires (wynkat1313)

Jan 14, 2012 04:10

It's my luck that all my lambliffBigbang posts are due on holidays :-) I wish you all Happy Old New Year! We celebrate it on 13th of January ;-) and it's like the new year is finally here.

I came bearing gifts again! What a fantastic story I worked with this time, I'm really honored to make an art for it. Go right now to read this epic modern interpretation of "The Count of Monte Lee Christo" - "Like the Phoenix Midst Her Fires" by amazing wynkat1313! I enjoyed very much trying to find the better way to visually express the highlights of the story, hope it worked.

Thank you wynkat1313 for this awesome story! My eternal gratitude to the mods of lambliffbigbang for running this terrific challenge!

To read the story: Like the Phoenix Midst Her Fires

photomanips, bigbang, art, creative, fandom, glambert, fanart

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