a bit late :-(

Nov 02, 2010 03:45

Happy belated Halloween! (may I say it like this?)

I was sure I'd miss the day if I don't post it right away and I did it :-( But then it's never late :-)

So, I've written it for the kind of Halloween love story challenge. It's not a fanfiction, just quite small original story, absolutely unbetaed, but funny.

Once upon a time, there was a pumpkin. It was the beautifullest pumpkin of all - all round in the right places. Bright orange skin kissed by the sun. It was the true queen of the garden. Nobody in the household wouldn’t dream of cutting it and bringing it to the kitchen for something as mundane as cooking.
In the other side of the garden was the gardener’s shed. It was the place dreaded by all garden inhabitants - full of spades, choppers and the likes. And there was one among them the most dreaded by all - gardener’s knife. It wasn’t the biggest or ugliest knife, truly speaking it was quite good looking knife - shiny and slim, but it was the deadliest one. The One who cut all unused plants, dead branches and ripe fruits.
They existed in different worlds blissfully ignorant of each other.
One beautiful if chilly morning the head of the household who lived in the big house on the far side of the garden walked by the vegetables. “Oh!” said he stopped by the pumpkin raw. “What a nice pumpkin lies here. I think it’d be the best one to cut and make the jack-o-lantern for the evening. My grandchildren will like to do it themselves.”
The pumpkin shivered. It was a not nice thing to hear that wonderful morning.
“Hey, gardener,” said the old man, “cut this pumpkin for me.”
“One minute, my lord,” said the gardener.
He took his knife out and came by The Pumpkin. This was the minute the Pumpkin and The Knife saw each other the first time. The knife saw The Pumpkin he was ought to cut and cried, “Oh, no! How can I cut such beauty and let it dry out on the table with the candle stuck in the middle? I’d better break myself than harm it!”
The minute the gardener stuck the knife in the pumpkin it cracked.
The pumpkin sighed before such brave and romantic deed and cracked in the middle as well.
“Oh, no,” said the head of the household, “look at it - it is absolutely unsuitable now.”
The gardener left his knife stuck in the pumpkin and went with his master to find another one.
The Knife and The Pumpkin looked at each other and smiled. Now they were stuck with each other, and they were good with it.

original, writing

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