digging for some childhood :-)

Mar 02, 2010 05:39

I watched performance yesterday (with a great pleasure, let me say you)and began to remember, you know... old age and all that :-), and here's the result, though I really should rummage through our old cassettes, the quality...you'll see:

Scott Hamilton

Igor Bobrin - one of my favourite routines

Alexei Yagudin - do you remember it, one of the best short programs, just... the best steps I've ever see

and that one :-)



and you just have to remember this one

and more Torvill and Dean

and that one is beautiful too

stop me, somebody!!! ple-e-e-eaze!

and more Hamilton

Brian Boitano

and ... I found him!

Rudi Cerne - one of my all times favourites

just...you know...

I tried to find better quality for Sarajevo Olympic Games, but... but... so I'll stop here for now.
It was good to watch closing of the Olympic Games, even though I didn't understand most of the jokes (and our commentators too) (:-P), it was very beautiful.
All in all I passed the games by this year - I was ill or too busy most of the time and didn't even catch all figure skating events or biathlon as I always try to do, but what did catch was very interesting, though a bit disappointing sometimes. That's life, let live, then...

occasion, favourite, talking

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