(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 12:39

I was being an LJ-stalker and reading the friends pages of my friends..and many people I knew in Austin were included in these entries. 
Then I started thinking about Austin.
Then SXSW.
I had the extreme urge to listen to "Slow Hands" by Interpol.
So I turn it on..and some tears come to my eyes.
I miss Austin so much it hurts my delicate heart. I miss being on Spring Break, staying at my mom's house for that orgasmic week, and trekking the 15 minutes down town to go to a free show I saw in the Chronicle that I had gotten the previous Thursday.
This all just makes me realize how much I've been trying the past couple of months to hold all of this differential emotion in.
You have no idea.
All I can do is live vicariously through people I barely even know anymore, watch TV and wish I was on location, or bury my head in books I'm really not even interested in.
At least I have school.

That sounds weird coming from me, doesn't it? I was such a failure in "real" university. Maybe it was because of the company I had. He did my mind and emotions no good.
Fuck him. Or not?
Because of him I met the best friends I will ever have in my life.
But besides that, yes, fuck him.
Anyway, back off the tangent.
School is where I belong. Every day I get to play with hair. What's not to love?! I even wake up at 7:30 in the morning, Monday through Friday, and leave my house knowing that I actually wanted to wake up.
We were asked what we wanted to do when we graduated.
First things first, get the HELL out of this town!
Second, get a job at a neat salon, coloring hair, making the big bucks.
Yeah, money matters, people.
I want to go to NYC or Austin(!) and color people's hair for a living...and I will make money from it.
I will eat at fun restaurants, go to awesome bars, and just live my life like I want to right now.
I'll buy expensive groceries, go see lovely bands play live whenever I want, and live in an apartment where I can actually have a dining room.

In other news, our bathtub drain was fixed last night, so after 3 days I was able to take a shower!
It was much needed, mind you.
Bills are slowly but surely getting paid and I'm slowly but surely losing my winter weight.
James and I are actually grown ass people now and have our own car insurance!
It felt so liberating to call my mum and tell her to take me off of her insurance since James and I finally got our own.
That's right, I'm a big girl now.

Lastly, I would really like a/some penpals.
I want to write letters and send little things in the mail to people who will do the same for me. If you are interested, holla back.

I do love you all, whether I know you or not.
I'm trying this new thing called "being happy". Heard of it? I hadn't until recently.



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