Working on a Provost's Targeted Excellence proposal on Human Language Technologies (HLT) and gathering together the people with the requisite expertise to make it all work really brought home a point for me: we are short quite a few departments. As a Socratic exercise, I thought I would tell you which five I think are the most markedly and urgently absent.
- 1. Linguistics in Arts & Sciences
- 2. Biomedical Engineering in Engineering
- 3. Library Science in the Library and/or Arts & Sciences
- 4. Genomics & Proteomics in Agriculture and/or Veterinary Medicine
- 5. Planning & Design Informatics in Architecture, Planning and Design
There are actually more than five, but I'll get to that later.
Disclaimer: Suffice it to say that I don't speak for Kansas State University, its Faculty Senate, or any unit of the university from the CIS department to the three bioinformatics working groups I'm part of (curriculum, FIBR, Ecological and Arthropod Genomics).