i hate her..

Mar 04, 2004 14:41


Banannie585: hi
AvrilMustDie000: hi
Banannie585: so, your maxs gf?
AvrilMustDie000: i think so....we've been fighting a lot recently. i think we're ok now
Banannie585: well word on the street is that your a huge bitch to him and never want to see him...
AvrilMustDie000: look i know that all of you guys hate me
Banannie585: do you know why we hate you?
AvrilMustDie000: yes
Banannie585: whys that?
AvrilMustDie000: thats why we've been fighting
AvrilMustDie000: because of what you said, that "i never want to see him"
Banannie585: ok
Banannie585: well lets talk avril hater....
Banannie585: max is one of my bestest friends
Banannie585: and to me it doesnt seem like you put any effort into this relationship
Banannie585: that doesnt work for me
Banannie585: now i dont care if you date max...
Banannie585: BUT
Banannie585: if you fuck with him... ill fuck with you, and so will all of us
AvrilMustDie000: but i know his friends mean more to him than anything in this world. and no mater what he says, i know that he'd be happier with someone his friends hate
AvrilMustDie000: so thats why i want to break up with him. not because i dont love him, because i do
Banannie585: well honestly i wish he would break up with you because you treat him like shit
Banannie585: max is easy to satisfy
Banannie585: i dont know why you have so much trouble doing it...
AvrilMustDie000: its hard for me to date someone my parents hate
Banannie585: well why do your parents hate him? did you say something that made them hate him?
AvrilMustDie000: no...but my dad was a football player and my mom was a cheerleader. max isnt exactly the model for who my parents want me to date
AvrilMustDie000: and i hate that more than anything
Banannie585: well then you need to tell your parents how its going to be
Banannie585: because they cant bitch you around like that, its bull shit
Banannie585: and still there are ways around your parents to see max
Banannie585: like um... become friends with his girl friends, and when you hang out with them hang out with max
Banannie585: its so easy
AvrilMustDie000: then i'll lose my car. and im not willing to put that at risk
AvrilMustDie000: look
AvrilMustDie000: i really have tried
AvrilMustDie000: but i cant keep it up
Banannie585: according to max you hate driving anyways
Banannie585: thats sad that your car means more to you then max
Banannie585: well we all have tried to warn max that your going to fuck him over
Banannie585: you stood him up like 4 times last weeka
Banannie585: and didnt even call to say you couldnt make it
AvrilMustDie000: annie, you and all of his friends are the reason i want to break up with him
AvrilMustDie000: so tell max whatever you want
AvrilMustDie000: i dont care anymore
Banannie585: you dont even know me
AvrilMustDie000: i just want him to be happy
Banannie585: and you have never cared
Banannie585: yea thats what we want for him
AvrilMustDie000: so thats why i cant be a part of his life anymore
Banannie585: and i am just going to make it clear to you that if you hurt max at all.... your going to be very sorry
Banannie585: hes tried breaking up with you
Banannie585: you just send him messages saying you love him
Banannie585: and to call you
AvrilMustDie000: thats not true
Banannie585: and stuff like that, that doesnt help him
Banannie585: and you sit next to him in french
AvrilMustDie000: not when we're fighting
AvrilMustDie000: whatever
AvrilMustDie000: you dont even go to my school so you dont know
Banannie585: no shit
Banannie585: but i talk to max more then you do
Banannie585: i know how hes feeling
Banannie585: i know whats up with him
AvrilMustDie000: i dont care anymore annie. then tell him that you dont want him to be with me. he'll listen to you. but he just bought me a present im going to have to tell him to take back and i really dont want to. but i care about him and i ont deserve a present
AvrilMustDie000: so im sorry to be an inconvinience to you and max and everyone else
AvrilMustDie000: soon you wont have to deal with me anymore
Banannie585: we have told him, he doesnt listen because you tell him stuff and fuck with his head
Banannie585: i know he bought you something and he heard hell from me
AvrilMustDie000: but when im noit there, just be there for him
Banannie585: i told him you dont deserve it and im mad at him for getting it for you
AvrilMustDie000 signed off at 2:33:52 PM.

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