Apr 09, 2008 17:14
Ive gotta learn to keep my head when reality isnt what Id hope it to be. you know, all butterflies and lollipops.
I know its going to be different without having Seth around. Its going to be harder to see each other, and that may make me a little cranky because it bums me out. I do weird things sometimes. when Im sad or bummed out, sometimes I get a little mean and cranky.
but soon afterwards, I realize why Im acting that way and change my actions. bleh.
the trick is to realize my true feelings BEFORE I start acting. that is a little more difficult.
monday, tuesday, wednesday.
so just three days. but I also know there is tomorrow and friday.... maybe Ill see him friday. .......maybe. :/
I hope so. I start to miss him.
but I know that he loves me and I love him.
I have to pee and Im waiting for dinner. oh, and I have the sniffles. stupid runny nose.
~Ive done a ton of laundry today and fell asleep... unexpectedly. but..... wait!! I can hang out tonight!! cant I?? maybe? well, I need to finish doing my hw as well. I need to make sure I pass this class.
I want to be able to finish school and start a career. okay! POTTY TIME! I HAVE TO PEE.