so, i just spent the day in harajuku with kate and alexis and chris and vince (well, until vince left us to go to an utada hikaru concert. *jealousyjealousy*)... but anyway, i love how i can easily go to harajuku or shinjuku or shibuya for the afternoon. it's not even a whole day trip, it just takes about an hour each way... teehee.
we just walked up and down takeshita-dori (the big teen fashion street, for you non-japanophiles who do not know this) and looked at all the shops and people. and ate crepes. mmmm. there were several (very cute) lolitas, but it seems that the weirdly-thrown-together-mismatched look was the most popular... not too different from london, really. why are american kids so boring with their clothes??
and, miss koala! while most of the gothic lolita shops on takeshita-dori are kinda cheap and crappy, there was one that had GORGEOUS clothes for relatively cheap (like, 9,000yen for a full outfit). i wish you could have been there!
there were many clothes i wanted to buy, but i didn't buy much because there's a lot of things that cute little japanese girls can pull off that gaijin just can't. i did get a cool looking shirt with
sunflowers on it, though! and more stationery, because i just can't resist it... it had smiling houses on it! who can resist smiling houses?
i seem to get along quite well with alexis and kate, although i don't talk much. but i never talk much. i do seem to be quite useful here, which i NEVER was at home... i always know the directions and what train to take and whatnot. that is, like, the opposite of the anya i used to be. but this is good.
i also managed to ride my bike to and from the station, which i'm proud about because i just started learning and the streets are very narrow and busy. i managed to not run into any pedestrians! but i crashed into hedges 4 times, and had to stop and start again about a million times, and was swerving all over the place. (one japanese guy on the way back asked kate if i was drunk. hmph.)
anyway this is a very long entry and i made 2 entries already today so i will stop now. pictures to come in a couple seconds.
a crappy picture i took of shibuya in the rain the other night... but it gives you some idea of how big and crowded it is.
takeshita-dori! yay! (and if you look closely, you can see a gothic lolita girl)
chris (aka hot british boy) with a very large hello kitty. oh, japan.
takeshita-dori at night, with kate and alexis...
my smiling house stationery!!! teehee. it came from the hyaku-en store (like $1 store)
my also-very-cute usapple file folder, also from the hyaku-en store. actually, i thought i bought one, but the packet had 5 in it, so i now have 5 of these...
okay, that's it for now, if any of you are actually interested in looking at pictures of my dorm and roommates the link is